April 7, 2022:
A 26 year-old Rio Rancho, New Mexico male left a threatening message on a Marshfield man’s voicemail. The man had purchased an Xbox from the New Mexico male through eBay. The description of the Xbox that the Marshfield male received did not match what was initially sold. He was refunded his money through eBay, which caused the male to become upset. Rio Rancho Police Department contacted the male and advised him to cease all contact with the complainant, which he agreed to do.
April 8, 2022:
A 39 year old male came into the Blue Heron Brew Pub and screamed at a woman, causing a disturbance inside of the bar and disrupting approximately 100 patrons. The male left upon officer arrival and officers were unable to located the male. He is being referred for disorderly conduct and felony bail jumping through the Wood County DA.
April 9, 2022
Complainant reported that a 40 year-old Marshfield male threatened and chased her. Investigation to continue.
April 10, 2022
A woman contacted police to report a 55-year-old Marshfield man was harassing her. She reported an unknown person had sent her text messages and called her on behalf of the Marshfield man. Officers found that the Marshfield man had been cited and arrested for harassing the woman in the recent past. Officers contacted in the WOSO Jail and issued him a stalking warning letter. Charges are being requested through the Wood County DA.
Wood County Sheriff’s Deputies reported a vehicle fleeing on HWY H heading east towards Marshfield. Prior to entering the city the pursuit was terminated. Marshfield officers located a vehicle entering town from the last known area. Police monitored the vehicles movement. The vehicle parked at an unrelated home. Police made contact with the homeowners and the vehicle occupants. Illegal items were seen within the vehicle and a subsequent search was conducted. Charges are being forwarded to the Wood County District attorney.
April 12, 2022:
A man reported a middle aged male started yelling and swearing at his 16 year-old son for no reason. The suspect was identified as a 53 year-old Marshfield male. The male was uncooperative with law enforcement during the investigation. Charges for disorderly conduct and obstructing will be forwarded to the Wood County DA’s office.
A woman reported ongoing behaviors by a 42 year-old male that constituted stalking. The woman received information from other individuals stating the male had been hanging around her apartment building, taking pictures of her car, and sitting across the street. The male was issued a stalking warning letter and information to stop all contact. The male still has a key that belongs to the woman that he was informed to have police assist with the return.
April 13, 2022
Complainant reported receiving (3) 100 US dollar bills from a man that were later identified as counterfeit by the bank. He stated that he received these bills from his bank in September 2021. The bills were confiscated by his bank and mailed to the SS.
April 14, 2022
A 22-year-old Marshfield male reported that a 48-year-old Marshfield male struck him repeatedly in the head causing his tooth to chip. During the fight, the 48-year-old male also pulled his 22-year-old daughter’s hair, causing her pain. The 48-year-old was arrested for substantial battery and domestic battery. Charges are being requested through the Wood County District Attorney’s Office.
Marshfield Middle School staff asked that an officer respond due to a student possibly being under the influence of an unknown substance. Contact was made with the student who admitted to vaping in the bathroom with another student. The student stated he believed the vape may have contained THC. Attempt to locate the vaping device was unsuccessful. Both students were suspended by the school and parents were also contacted by the school. No further action taken.
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