Police Reports: Attempt to Gain Entry Through Bedroom Window

Police Cruiser Traffic Stop Closeup Photo. American Police Car.

7.23.20 at 0759
A Marshfield woman reported a theft of RX medications belonging to a 65-year-old Marshfield man. The woman identified an involved party. Several people were interviewed. This matter is being referred to Human Services.

7.23.20 at 1616
A 61-year-old Marshfield man contacted police after his 15-year-old son began acting out and creating a disturbance at their residence. A juvenile referral is being forwarded to Wood County Human Services.

7.24.20 at 1447
A Spencer woman contacted the Marshfield Police Department after having concerns with another customer while she was shopping at a store on the 1900 block of N. Central Ave. The woman explained that a male individual had been staring at her while she shopped and seemed to have been following her in the store. She described the man as white, unshaven, dark hair, roughly 5’5″ and late 40’s in age. She felt so uncomfortable with the unknown man’s demeanor that she left the store early. The store was contacted and they did not have any video of the contact and did not have any customers mention a concern but they would be aware of any similar behaviors.

7.25.20 at 0223
Wood County Dispatched advised that there were multiple calls for a male with a firearm at E. 5th St and Central Ave. Contact was made with the complainant who said a male later identified as a 38-year-old Stratford male had a firearm in his hand in the above vehicle but was being struck by an unknown person. The information was that the firearm was not pointed at anyone. The male was found away from the vehicle and taken into custody, booked, and released. The male did deny being stuck by anyone. Charges will be sent to the Wood County D.A. The firearm was found in a 2012 GMC Acadia and secured at the Marshfield Police Department.

7.26.20 at 1249
A Neillsville woman reported that a welfare check be conducted on a 20-year-old Clark County woman that was driving the complainant’s vehicle. The Clark county women met with Police. The complainant asked that the 20-year-old female not to drive the vehicle anymore. The keys were left at the Marshfield Police department, the complainant later picked up her vehicle.

7.26.20 at 1415
The complainant reported that her juvenile daughter received a threatening voicemail. It was found that the voicemail came from a 13-year-old Stevens Point female.

7.27.20 at 1057
A disturbance was reported. Police made contact with the complainant. It was found that a loud verbal argument occurred outside of a neighboring home. Officers later made contact with the neighbor.

7.27.20 at 1129
A 37-year-old Marshfield woman contacted police to discuss a possible restraining order violation. After investigation, it was determined that no violation had occurred. The woman was encouraged to contact for similar future incidence which could change the outcome allowing police intervention. She requested the incident be documented for future reference.

7.27.20 at 1345
Officers were asked to do a welfare check and look into living conditions for a juvenile at a location on the 1400 block of S Adams Ave. A DHS report cited drug use in the home and the juvenile having access to weapons as some of the potential problems. Officers made contact with the tenant of the apartment and the mother of the child and officers were allowed to examine the apartment. The tenant showed officers that the only weapon in the residence was a BB gun which was secured where the child could not access it. The tenant of the apartment also admitted to officers that there was drug paraphernalia in the apartment, but the juvenile did not have access to it and they did not use marijuana in the presence of the child. The paraphernalia was turned over to officers and the tenant was cited for it. There did not appear to be any other concerns with the living conditions.

7.27.20 at 1717
A traffic stop was conducted. A K9 unit was utilized on the stopped vehicle. The K9 indicated there were controlled substances in the vehicle. A search was conducted, and drug paraphernalia was found in the vehicle. Citations were issued for other driving violations. Charges are requested through the Wood County District Attorney’s Office.

7.27.20 at 1815
A Marshfield man contacted police and reported that political signs for Tricia Zunker and Brian Giles were damaged while they were placed in his front yard. His political sign “Biden for President” and “Black Lives Matter” signs were left undamaged. Neighbors were spoken to and asked if they observed the damage occur and they did not. The complainant was unaware of who would have caused the damage.

7.28.20 at 1100
Officers and an ambulance were dispatched to an address on the 1600 block of Jean Ave. for an intoxicated male who fell down and injured himself. During contact with the subject, officers found that the male was violating multiple bond conditions and the man was arrested and transported to MMC for medical clearance. The man was then transported to the WOSO Jail. Charges are being requested through the Wood County DA.

7.28.20 at 1538
A Marshfield woman reported a domestic incident that she and her boyfriend, a 30-year-old Marshfield male was involved in. After investigation, the male was arrested, booked, and released after posting the required bond for disorderly conduct and battery, domestic-related.

7.28.20 at 1737
A 36-year-old Marshfield man reported that he had been assaulted by a 23-year-old Marshfield man. Officers arrived and interviewed multiple parties. The 23-year-old indicated he had been assaulted by the complainant, which prompted his own actions. Both parties admitted to engaging in behavior that they shouldn’t have. Neither party wanted the matter pursued and agreed to avoid each other. P & P was notified.

7.28.20 at 1752
A Marshfield man reported his bedroom window screen had been tampered with. It appeared someone had torn back the screen in an attempt to gain entry into the window. He was unsure of the timeframe of the offense as he usually has hat window closed and does not walk by that side of the house. Photographs were uploaded to evidence.com. No suspects at this time. The man stated he will be installing cameras at his house in the future.

7.29.20 at 0947
An anonymous complainant reported concerns for a 33-year-old Marshfield woman and her ability to care for a 1-year-old child. A Contact was made with the woman and she stated she has been stressed and is sleep-deprived. Human Services was contacted after the woman stated she would be willing to accept help. Human Services indicated they were already scheduled to see the woman today. A friend of the woman was also on scene and agreed to provide some help watching the 1-year-old so the woman could get some sleep.

7.29.20 at 1934
A 47-year-old Marshfield woman reported a verbal altercation with a 38-year-old Marshfield male. On officers’ arrival the male would not allow officers to interview him and continued to attempt to leave against officers’ commands. An officer took hold of the male to prevent him from leaving and he pulled away from the officer. The male continued to pull away and would not comply with the officers’ command to stop resisting. Eventually, the male was taken into custody and transported to MMC for precautionary measures. Charges will be requested through the Wood County D.A’s office.

7.29.20 at 2015
A Marshfield woman reported that she heard a loud noise coming from the Men’s bathroom at Braem Park, and then she observed two younger-looking boys leave the bathroom quickly. Officers made contact with the individuals the woman observed, and they were identified as an 8-year-old Marshfield boy and a 22-year-old Marshfield man. The men’s bathroom was vandalized. At this time it is believed the damage was done prior to the boys entering the bathroom.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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