Police Reports: Disturbances, Vehicle theft, Meth bust

police reports marshfield wi

March 5

An 18-year-old Marshfield female was reported to be trespassing at a local business. The female was asked to leave multiple times prior to officer arrival but refused. She was issued a citation for trespassing and charges were requested for bail jumping as she was in violation of bond. A 22-year-old Marshfield male who was with the female was also in violation of his bond.

March 6

A 52-year-old contacted police to report that she believed a 27-year-old Marshfield woman took her vehicle without her permission. The complainant stated that the woman came to her apartment earlier in the day and believed the woman took her keys from her coat at that time. A short time later officers were advised that Clark County deputies had located the complainant’s car on the side of the road in their jurisdiction earlier in the day and located the woman at a nearby residence. Clark county deputies turned the woman over to Marshfield officers. The woman was booked at the Marshfield Police Department and released. The car was towed and did not appear to be damaged.

A 60-year-old Marshfield woman reported someone had used her debit card information online to purchase three Walmart gift cards totaling $620.64 and two Amazon gift cards totaling $100.00 without her permission. Ort contacted her bank, Amazon and Walmart to report the unauthorized transactions and canceled her debit card. Ort believes her debit card information was compromised via her Walmart or Amazon account and is taking steps to prevent it from happening again. No suspects at this time. No further involvement.

March 8

An 82-year-old Marshfield female reported that during the above time frame an unknown individual siphoned approximately $21.00 worth of unleaded fuel from the above listed vehicle. The landlord of the facility was informed, no suspects at this time.

March 10

A 31-year-old Marshfield male reported a 28-year-old Wisconsin Rapids female had violated a court order by attempting to contact him via text message and telephone. A copy of the court order was provided and contact was made with the 28-year-old Wisconsin Rapids female. Officer investigating.

A traffic stop was performed on the listed vehicle. K-9 Rika alerted to the presence of a controlled substance. A 42-year-old Marshfield female was arrested for a probation violation and possession of methamphetamine. She was later transported to Wood County Jail. Charges are being requested through the Wood County District Attorney’s Office.

The owner of a local business turned in nine driver’s license’s to include four wallets that were found at the movie theater. The owner of the business did not have a time frame of when the property was found. Attempts were made with the owners of the property.

March 12

Three males were observed yelling at each other In the middle of the road outside of a Marshfield business. One male took off on foot and ran away from the scene and was later apprehended. The two males who stayed on scene, advised the 26-year-old Marshfield male attempted to steal a jacket from one of the men and fled the establishment and was confronted outside. A request for charges for disorderly conduct, resisting/obstructing and misdemeanor bail jumping are being forwarded to the Wood County District Attorney’s Office.

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News Desk
Author: News Desk