Police Reports: drug paraphernalia and barricade thieves

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April 28

A complainant reported that someone damaged her mailbox. The damage was documented. Local homes were checked for the presence of exterior cameras. Nothing further to report.

April 29

A 32-year-old Marshfield male requested an officer to respond to his residence as he found drug paraphernalia left behind from his significant other, a 26-year-old Marshfield female. Officer responded and removed several items of paraphernalia from the residence, which was placed into evidence. The whereabouts of the 26-year-old female are unknown at this time. Investigation to follow.

A 31-year-old Marshfield female was alerted to seven unauthorized charges on her Starbucks account during the above time frame. The transactions were initiated by an unknown individual believed to be out of state and totaled $210.00. The female has canceled her current bank account affiliated with Starbucks and is being reimbursed for the loss from the company. The female wished to document the event in case of future fraudulent transactions.

April 30

Multiple patrons at a local establishment reported that there was a highly intoxicated male that had fallen in the roadway. Contact was made with the individual outside the bar. The bartender just requested that the male leave the premises. The male was given a ride back to his residence, where it was learned that there had been a verbal dispute with his girlfriend. Both subjects refused to talk about what happened. The male subject was given a voucher for a hotel. This report will be forwarded to Wood County Human Services for review.

An employee from MU contacted dispatch advising there was electrical wire tampering at a Marshfield residence. Officers responded and observed cut wires in the fuse box at the residence. The individual renting the house, a 28-year-old Marshfield female advised she left her back door unlocked and was gone from her residence on 4/30/2021 between 2:45 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. See taped report for additional details.

A victim reported that she was involved in a conversation with a male and in that conversation she gave him her personal information. That information was used to take out a loan which she did not consent to. That loan was able to be forgiven and she is not out any money. The victim also purchased gift cards totaling $300.00 and gave the male that information also. Her accounts have since been changed and she was also advised to report this to IC3.GOV.

A 31-year-old Marshfield female reported two domestic related assaults with her 30-year-old boyfriend. Contact was made with the 30-year-old man who refused to disclose his location. PDC was contacted. The man was taken into custody in the afternoon of 4/30/2021 and transported to the Wood County Jail. Charges are being requested through the Wood County District Attorney’s Office.

May 1

A victim reported that a 32-year-old Male who is currently incarcerated for a stalking charge from a previous case and different female; reported that she received a letter from the male advising her harm to her personal information. The letter was taken as evidence and charges will be requested and sent to the Wood County D.A.

May 3

A 79-year-old Marshfield female reported observing an orange sedan with green paint markings pull up next to construction barricades. Three unknown juvenile males exited the vehicle, stole one of the barricades and drove off with it. Investigation to remain open to identify suspect vehicle/occupants.

Walmart Loss Prevention contacted police and reported a retail theft and trespassing. Charges for retail theft will be requested through the Marathon Co DA’s office against a 71-year-old Marshfield female. The 71-year-old was also issued a citation for trespassing.

A 38-year-old Marshfield male reported his bicycle was taken outside of his home. The man did not have any suspects, and there were no exterior cameras in the area. The man valued the bicycle, as well a few add on accessories, at $170.00. Photographs of the bicycle were uploaded to evidence.com.

May 6

A 42-year-old Marshfield woman reported her neighbor had just walked inside her house and started yelling. Officers made contact with the neighbor, a 22-year-old Marshfield male. Charges against the 22-year-old for Disorderly Conduct and Trespassing were referred through the Wood County District Attorney’s Office.

Officers arrested a 37-year-old Marshfield male for an active probation arrest warrant. The male was later medically cleared and transported the Wood County Jail.

A Fleet Farm employee reported a 28-year-old Wisconsin Rapids woman stole $167.96 worth of items from Fleet Farm. The woman was stopped and admitted to taking the items. A request for charges will be sent to the Wood County D.A.’s office on the woman for Retail Theft and Bail Jumping.

Officers responded to a reported disturbance at the 100 block of 11th street. K-9 Rika conducted an exterior sniff on a vehicle involved with the complaint. K-9 Rika indicated to the presence of a controlled substance from within the vehicle. A 19-year-old Spencer female was cited for possession of THC and underage possession of alcohol. Officers made contact with a 17-year-old Marshfield female and a 18-year-old Marshfield male. The two involved parties advised their friend, a 16-year-old Loyal female was having a panic attack within the residence. The 16-year-old female was eventually dropped off with a family member.

We welcome your stories! Contact us at [email protected]!

News Desk
Author: News Desk