Police Reports: Drugs, Stalkings and Storage Unit Theft

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February 6

A 31-year-old Marshfield woman reported to me that while driving, she swerved to avoid another vehicle, and she drove off a private driveway. Her vehicle drove over some large rocks and suffered severe undercarriage damage. The officer requested she obtain and estimate so the officer could include it with their report. The woman’s insurance was not requesting a report, but the officer completed a cover sheet which will be on file.

February 11

A traffic stop was performed and a 40-year-old Wisconsin Rapids female provided officers with another person’s identifying information. She was positively identified. Charges are being requested through the Wood County District Attorney’s Office for obstructing an officer.

February 12

Staff from a city department called dispatch that one of the suspects of a recent theft of donation box was currently in the facility. Officers arrived and located the 18-year-old Neillsville man inside the restroom. Due to other open investigations and an active Clark County warrant the man was arrested without incident. During search of his person/belongings the man had possession of Methamphetamines and drug paraphernalia. The man was booked and then transferred to Clark County Sheriff’s department for their warrant. Charges of Possession of Methamphetamines, drug paraphernalia and Felony Bail Jumping will be referred to Wood County District Attorney’s office.

During a traffic stop a 35-year-old male was arrested for Bail Jumping. He was booked at the Marshfield Police Department and then released. A request for charges will be sent to the Wood County District Attorney’s Office.

February 13

A 33-year-old Marshfield woman called to report receiving phone calls from her 33-year-old estranged boyfriend that has a no contact order. Additionally, the man has been recently charged with stalking the victim. Wood County jail was contacted and they blocked the man from making any additional calls to the victim. Charges for stalking and felony bail jumping will be referred to Wood County district attorney’s office.

February 14

A 57-year-old Marshfield man contacted police after he noticed his storage unit had been broken into and numerous items taken. The man is working on a detailed list of items taken to add to the case file for any possible follow up. No suspects at this time.

After reviewing video surveillance from a local business, an employee of that business forwarded a retail theft report to this officer for follow up. The suspect was identified through past professional contacts as a 34-year-old Marshfield male. Charges of retail theft, misdemeanor and felony bail jumping will be submitted through Marathon County along with a citation for trespassing.

February 15

A 35-year-old male turned himself in on a probation hold because he was worried he was going to commit more crimes and hurt himself or others if he did not go to jail. P&P placed a hold on the subject and Wood County Crisis determine Wood County Jail was an appropriate safety plan. The male was booked at the Marshfield Police Department and then was transported to Jail.

February 16

Officers responded to a domestic disturbance at a Marshfield location. Officers made contact with the complainant who reported a verbal and physical altercation had occurred. A 31-year-old Marshfield man was arrested and transported to the PD for booking procedures. He was released after posting bond.

A 39-year-old Marshfield woman reported that she was assaulted by her husband, a 40-year-old Marshfield man. She stated she gave the man no permission to physically assault her. The man was located in Wausau and was taken into custody. The man was transported directly to Wood County Jail. A request for charges will be forwarded to the Wood County District Attorney’s Office.

A city employee called and stated that over the weekend there was a tape measure and other items in the glove box that were taken from a city vehicle. She stated that the passenger side door does not lock and it was parked in front of the office at the cemetery. There are no known suspects at this time.

A local church employee stated that she received two emails to change the deposit for the Pastor’s payroll. She advised that he has not changed banks and realized this was a scam. She wished we documented the emails with the information in case it relates to any other scams. No further action taken.

A 54-year-old Pittsville woman reported her 29-year-old niece was possibly overdosing from Heroin use at the above listed address. Upon officer arrival, it was determined the female was having severe withdrawal symptoms and Marshfield EMS evaluated her. While on scene, officers observed in plain view multiple items of drug paraphernalia and THC oil all within reach of a 3-year-old female who lives at the residence. Wood County Human Services was contacted.

February 17

A complainant reported a child custody dispute between herself and a 24-year-old Marshfield man. Officers made contact, both parties came to a short-term agreement. Report to follow.

February 18

An instructor at a local dance studio called to report a suspicious male that had been sitting on a bench watching the young children. This has occurred on previous days and it was making the children and staff very uncomfortable. Contact was made with the 27-year-old Mosinee man and he was asked to leave. Due to his demeanor his parents were contacted regarding the concerns. A warning for Disorderly Conduct will be mailed as behaviors did upset and make many uncomfortable.

We welcome your stories! Contact us at [email protected]!

News Desk
Author: News Desk