Police Reports: Employee arrested for stealing and reselling items


Marshfield Police Department

6.16.20 at 1420

An anonymous caller requested a welfare check of a male bicyclist who collided with a motorcyclist on n central ave. The motorcyclist had left the scene after a brief verbal interaction with the bicyclist. The bicyclist suffered several minor injuries including a suspected head injury as he could not recall much of what happened. He was examined by ems and his mother was contacted who came to take him home. The description provided by the caller for the motorcyclist is as follows: white male. Age 40-50, bald, gray beard, no helmet, tannish green “do rag”, riding a dark-colored larger motorcycle with a bug shield and would most likely have damage on the left side of the cycle as the caller stated it was tipped over on that side. In addition, the caller believed the motorcyclist may possibly have a left side chest injury as he was holding that area in a way that led the caller to suspect he was injured. The caller also added that someone on the scene asked the two involved if they wanted them to contact the police, to which the motorcyclist was heard saying something to the effect of “no, we both have cell phones. We can do that if we want.” the bicyclist was dazed from the fall and appeared to not be in the correct state of mind to be able to contact police on his own. Officers checked several areas in the direction the motorcyclist left the scene and could not locate the cycle.


6.22.20 at 2102

A Marshfield woman called dispatch to report having issues with her husband. She was at her husband’s ex-wife’s residence and he had gone back to their residence after he had gotten upset. She and her husband had miscommunication and trust issues they both agreed to work on. The wife would take their car to work and the two would try to discuss their concerns in the morning.


6.22.20 at 2135

A 54-year-old Marshfield woman wished to have her 14-year-old son spoken to by officers regarding his abusive behavior towards his siblings. Officers made contact with him and Wood County Crisis was contacted. The woman was given additional resources from Crisis and is planning on following up with Crisis after she speaks with the son’s father.


6.23.20 at 0738

An anonymous person messaged the complainant that someone had posted the complainant’s phone number on social media and asked people to “Call and run this number up!!! Hateful! mother in law needs some pranking.” The complainant also noticed that someone had stolen two for sale signs from her front lawn. I made contact with the suspect by phone who said he would stop harassing the complainant and the signs would be returned today. A warning was issued to the suspect


6.23.20 at 1406

Officers responded to a report of retail theft at a business on W Upham St. Contact was made with the suspect who had admitted to stealing various items while employed at the business and re-selling the items. The man was arrested and transported to the PD for booking procedures. Charges will be requested through the Wood County District Attorney’s office.


6.24.20 at 0005

A Marshfield woman called and reported that her 13-year-old Marshfield daughter had gone voluntarily to a safe shelter in Stevens Point on 06/22/2020. On 06/23/2020 she received a phone call from the shelter stating that her daughter had run away. Taylor wished to have her daughter entered into NCIC.


6.24.20 at 0445

A 54-year-old Marshfield woman called 911 reporting that her husband was acting aggressive and had grabbed a hammer. Dispatch could hear yelling and children screaming in the background. Officers arrived in the area as the husband had driven away and a traffic stop was conducted. The husband was taken into custody for a probation hold. After booking the man was transported to Wood County jail on the probation hold along with a charge for disorderly conduct-domestic. The 72 hour no contact prohibition was waived by the victim.


6.24.20 at 0914

A 61-year-old Marshfield woman reported finding her neighbor, a 68-year-old Marshfield male laying at the end of his driveway, bleeding from his head and appeared to have fallen. Officers and Marshfield EMS arrived on scene and found that the male was also intoxicated. The male was transported to Marshfield Medical Center by Marshfield EMS. The male was in violation of his absolute sobriety bond rule for an open Marathon County Case and a request for Misdemeanor Bail Jumping will be requested through the Wood County District Attorney’s Office.


6.24.20 at 1115

Two Marshfield men reported that a 51-year-old Marshfield man and 47-year-old Marshfield woman left garbage and the remnants of a campfire next to his place of business on the 3000 block of S. Cherry Ave. Both men stated they are not welcome there. One of the men also stated he is in the process of trying to evict the two from the adjacent storage facility (unit 1). Extra patrol was requested.


6.24.20 At 1435

A Marshfield woman and her daughter reported suspicious activity that was observed on 6.18.20 at the 100 block of S Central Ave.


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