Police Reports: K9 Drug Busts & Stolen Ladders

Police Reports

Police Reports for Week Ending October 9

A woman called stating that her and her boyfriend, a 35 year old Marshfield male were fighting. Officers arrived and parties were separated. Domestic criteria was not met and the male left the residence for the weekend.

A man called dispatch to report that an elderly man was acting confused, not able to communicate, and had followed 2 random people to their vehicles and sat inside them after the operators had gotten in them. This obviously caused alarm and confusion by the vehicle owners. Officers made contact with the man and recognized him from recent concerns of him wandering around and seeming to be lost. The 70 year old man was transported to his apartment and Wood County Crisis was contacted as the initial steps were started to assist the man for his safety in Project Lifesaver. Two crisis workers arrived and communicated with the man and his family member on the program and to schedule appointment the following day to have the monitor placed on him. No further action needed.

A 64-year-old Marshfield male was backing up due to multiple construction trucks and people moving in the area under construction. While backing up, concrete steps that were just poured yesterday were hit by the hitch on the vehicle causing damage to the steps. Photographs were taken of the steps and vehicle. No damage was done to the vehicle.

Victim reported that ladders were taken from his property approximately 2 weeks ago. Victim delayed reported in the event a family member borrowed the items but at this time that has been found to not be the case. Victim said they were hanging on his garage on the outside. Local scrap yards were contacted based on the construction of the ladders. No suspects at this time.

A woman reported that there was a bottle of bleach on her porch with a note saying “here is some bleach for your pumpkins you animal killer”. She also stated one of her pumpkins was moved onto the lawn, but nothing was damaged. She did not have any possible suspects or leads why someone would do this. A neighborhood canvas was competed and the item was collected and placed into evidence. No further action taken.

A man reported that his post mounted mailbox was damaged. He stated a passing vehicle or heavy construction equipment struck it when driving by the mailbox. No suspects at this time

A 38 year-old Marshfield male who was a convicted felon, was taken into custody at 4000 S Draxler Dr on multiple valid Marshfield warrants. During the investigation, the male was found to be in possession of Methamphetamine, drug paraphernalia, a firearm, and multiple rounds of ammunition. The vehicle the male was driving was not registered, displayed license plates that did not belong to the vehicle, had no valid insurance, was not equipped with an ignition interlock device which was court ordered and the male had a revoked operators status due to a prior alcohol related offense. He was taken into custody, interviewed, booked and transported to the Wood Co Jail.

Kwik Trip reported a gas drive-off, in the amount of $20.09, in which it was learned during the investigation that the vehicle used had been reported stolen from Portage County earlier the same day. The manager of Kwik Trip stated they were unable to capture a good image of the suspect who is believed to be possibly a white male wearing sunglasses. Security footage was requested of the incident.

A traffic stop was conducted at 15th Street and Prospect Avenue shortly after midnight Thursday morning. K9 Rika alerted to the presence of a controlled substance from within the vehicle. As a result, a 19 year-old Marshfield male was taken into custody and later released. A request for charges will be forwarded to the Wood County District Attorney’s Office for possession of methamphetamine.

Two hours later, at 4th and Palmetto, contact was made with a 21 year-old Marshfield female and 36 year-old male, who were observed driving and parking illegally. K9 Rika indicated to the presence of a controlled substance from white the listed vehicle. A vehicle search was completed and illegal items were located. Charges are being requested on the Mal through the Wood County District Attorney’s Office for Possession of Methamphetamine and Felony Bail Jumping.

Complainant reported a online a dispute involving a 21 year-old Colby woman. The dispute began with kittens being sold on Facebook marketplace. The complainant reported the Colby woman was keeping the animals in terrible living conditions. Colby Police department was contacted, a welfare check was done on the animals.

A woman reported a verbal dispute with her husband. Contact was made with the husband and he was taken into custody. He posted the necessary bond and was released. A request for charges will be sent to the Wood County District Attorney’s Office.

A 42 year-old Marshfield woman reported her daughter had walked away from the residence following an argument and was believed to be suffering from mental issues. The daughter was found after a mother of the daughter’s friends had contacted dispatch believing she may be missing. Contact was made and the daughter was transported back to her parents house.

On Tuesday, October 6, at approximately noon, Marshfield Police conducted a traffic stop on East Third Street. K9 Steffi alerted to the presence of controlled substance coming from the vehicle. A 31 year-old Marshfield male was arrested for possession of methamphetamine and felony bail jumping. The male was transported to the department and released. Charges were requested through the Wood County District Attorney’s Office.

Later Tuesday afternoon, a MPD officer conducted a traffic stop on South Chestnut Avenue at West Third Street. The operator had just been to the police department to pick up personal items that were collected out of a vehicle that a controlled substance had been located in the previous day. The license plates did not match the vehicle and the operator, who was known to not have a driver’s license, was observed leaving the police department and getting into the driver’s seat. During the traffic stop, K9 Steffi indicated to the odor of a controlled substance emitting from the vehicle. Methamphetamine was located in the vehicle. Charges against the 31 year-old woman were requested through the Wood County District Attorney’s Office.

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Author: News Desk

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