Police Reports: High Speed Chase and K9 Steffi Meth Bust

police reports marshfield wi

May 17

A loss prevention employee reported a theft a local store. The loss prevention employee reported observing an unidentified female not scanning several items and scanning several items which had their tags switched during checkout. When loss prevention confronted the female about the stolen items, she punched the loss prevention employee as she fled the store. Officers were unable to make contact with the suspect.

June 18

Officers assisted Wood County Sheriff’s Dept with a traffic stop at the corner of Ives St. and N Central Ave. A MNSO K9 also responded and indicated to the presence of an illegal substance in the vehicle. The vehicle was searched, and the occupants of the vehicle was taken into custody by Wood County.

A traffic stop was conducted on a vehicle after a disturbance. K9 Steffi alerted to the presence of controlled substance coming from the vehicle. A search located methamphetamine. A 28-year-old Marshfield female was arrested and transported to Wood County Jail. Charges were requested through Wood County District Attorney’s Office.

June 20

A 50-year-old Marshfield man reported it appeared someone attempted to break into his business by bending a metal window covering. There was not a financial damage loss to the window covering, although the man believes this attempt is associated with recent past burglaries.

A 31-year-old Marshfield man reported receiving a threatening phone call while at his place of employment.

June 21

A 40-year-old Marshfield man stated he received multiple threatening text messages and pictures from an unknown number. The man was very concerned as it threatened harm to him and his family and the pictures were very graphic. After investigating the phone number it was determined this was a scam. The man was advised of the outcome and to block the number. The man was also advised that we would do extra patrol in his neighborhood. No further action taken.

A 54-year-old Pittsville man reported that his ex-wife and daughters were at the same location as him and there are no-contacts orders based on open cases. The complainant said he did not make contact but wanted this incident documented. Also while exiting at that location a male who is friends with the female said a statement to him with a vulgar word. At this time contact has not been made with the other people involved. See taped report for more information.

June 22

Complainant reported two broken windows. The windows were damaged by landscaping rocks which had fresh markings of being cut in a straight line. Complainant said the neighbor to the west of them where the rocks matched mowed their grass last night when the window became broke. Based on the fresh straight cut marks to the rocks, a fresh lawn mowed, and landscaping rocks that match the ones found; it appears that the mower accidentally shot rocks to the window. An officer spoke with a female at the residence and she said her son was mowing the grass but denied any involvement or that the lawn mower was involved. The officer left that residence and referred the complainant that this would be a civil case which he could pursue if he wanted as there did not appear that intent was involved in this incident. Photographs were taken of the windows and rocks.

A local business owner stated a semi truck with trailer struck a cement post (with stop sign) when it made a right turn on his business property. The only description was a white semi trailer and possibly red tractor. No plate was obtained and company unknown. The vehicle left the scene. Investigation to continue.

A 33-year-old Marshfield male was arrested for False Imprisonment, Disorderly Conduct Domestic Abuse following a disturbance involving a 32-year-old Marshfield woman. The male was arrested and brought to the PD where he was booked. He was then transported to the WOSO jail. A request for charges will be sent to the Wood County D.A.’s office on the male for the above stated charges.

A Traffic stop was attempted at the corner of N. Central Ave. and McMillan St. The vehicle accelerated at a high rate of speed traveling northbound and was pursued. The pursuit was discontinued on Highway 97 south of Stratford. Marathon County Sheriff’s Office later located the vehicle in question and another pursuit was initiated. Additional information is still being gathered.

June 23

A 25-year-old Marshfield woman reported that her ex-boyfriend, a 33-year-old Marshfield man, was sending provocative pictures of the complainant to other people.

A complainant reported a possible crash at Walmart. She indicated the driver had gotten out and ran into the store. She also felt the driver may be intoxicated. Officers arrived and located the man. An act 79 search was conducted and various items were located. He displayed indicators of impairment and was arrested. The man also had an outstanding probation warrant. The man ultimately consented to a blood draw and was transported to MMC ER. He was then taken to Marathon Co Jail. Charges are being requested through the Marathon Co District Attorney’s Office.

A 33-year-old Marshfield woman reported ongoing suspicious activity taking place with her vehicles while they were parked in the parking lot of her apartment complex. The woman reported “key” damage to a vehicle approximately two months ago, as well as a flat tire on the same vehicle approximately one month ago. The woman also found her gas door cap open on this day. The woman was encouraged to get a camera to direct at her vehicles. Extra patrol will be done in the area.

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News Desk
Author: News Desk