Police Reports: K9 Rika alerted to the presence of a controlled substance at traffic stop.


Marshfield Police Department

6.2.20 at 1500

A Marshfield woman reported a man had come into her restaurant and had taken a phone that her son had left on a counter. The woman had contacted one of the individuals she recognized with the man. He contacted the suspect and the suspect mailed a phone to the complainant to replace the phone that was stolen. A check of the serial number was conducted and the phone sent by the suspect was found to be the phone taken from the restaurant. Charges will be requested through the Wood County District Attorney’s Office.

6.3.20 at 0924

A 72-year-old Marshfield man reported he attempted to contact his bank after receiving a notification of fraudulent charges from Amazon to his credit card. He reports he was directed to a fake fraud department that directed him to purchase Target gift cards and give them that information. They were also able to obtain his account information and take all of the money from his checking account. This case will be forwarded to the Detective Bureau for follow up.

6.3.20 at 1112

An anonymous caller reported that a 53-year-old Marshfield man was going to overdose on medication in an effort to kill himself. Contact was made with the man and he was found to not be suicidal, nor in possession of drugs. He did state that he was in an argument with a former friend, and suspects that the friend is the caller.

6.3.20 at 2343

Park Patrol reported that an unknown person(s) damaged a light fixture in the men’s restroom at Braem Park. The person(s) also scattered trash around the restroom as well as outside. Photographs were taken of the area. There are no suspect(s) at this time.

6.4.20 at 2005

41-year-old Marshfield woman reported that a 31-year-old man was stealing from her elderly father. She told officers that the man was no longer allowed at her father’s residence. Investigation to continue.

6.5.20 at 0208

A 14-year-old Marshfield juvenile called dispatch to report that his 61-year-old grandmother was intoxicated and being disruptive. Upon officer contact, the woman was confrontational and irrational. Due to her demeanor, it was arranged to take the 14-year-old to his father’s for the remainder of the morning. The woman continued to yell obscenities and smashing items within the house while officers were outside. Due to the disturbance, the grandmother will be referred to the Wood County District Attorney’s office for Disorderly Conduct.

6.5.20 at 0220

A 21-year-old Marshfield woman notified officers that her daughter’s father, a 27-year old Marshfield man, created a disturbance at her apartment. She stated he also threatened to hit her and placed his hand on her neck. The man left prior to officers’ arrival. A records check showed the man was on probation. P&P was contacted and they entered a warrant.  Officer also checked CCAP and found the man had two open cases through Wood and Shawano Counties. A Probable Cause Affidavit and a request for charges regarding bail jumping were completed and disorderly conduct-domestic related. Patrol is actively looking for the man to make an arrest.

6.5.20 at 1011

A 69-year-old Marshfield woman reported that her husband, a 68-year-old Marshfield male was heavily intoxicated and being verbally belligerent. Contact was made with the male at their residence and it was learned that the male currently had an open court case with an absolute sobriety rule. The woman and the male agreed to be respectful of each other for the rest of the day and for the male to cease drinking. A Misdemeanor Bail Jumping charge will be requested through the Wood County District Attorney’s Office.

6.6.20 at 0032

Eau Clair PD requested the Marshfield Police Department to locate and arrest a 30-year-old Pittsville man wanted on domestic-related charges as well as to check the male’s welfare due to suicidal statements a couple of days earlier. The suspect’s faller, called with an updated location by providing an address on N. Peach Ave. The apartment tenant allowed officers in and the suspect was taken into custody. The subject was not suicidal and was ultimately turned over to the custody of the Eau Claire PD.

6.6.20 at 1139

A Marshfield woman reported a physical altercation between her and her husband, a 58-year-old Marshfield male. The male was taken into custody for domestic abuse and related disorderly conduct. He was transported to the Marshfield Police Department for booking procedures and then released after posting the required bond. Charges will be forwarded to the Wood County District Attorney’s office.

6.6.20 at 1708

An Arpin woman reported a theft of her medication from a locked employee lounge at the Marshfield Medical Center.

6.6.20 at 2344

A 35-year-old Marshfield woman called to report her ex-boyfriend a 31-year-old Wausau male was stalking her. She stated they just ended their relationship and he was outside her residence and wouldn’t leave her alone. The male left the scene prior to officer’s arrival. Phone contact was made with the male and a verbal warning was issued to stay off the property of the woman’s residence.

6.7.20 at 0630

An employee reported that a large lawn sign with the word “open” was removed from the ground at a restaurant located on N. Central Ave. The sign was light blue color and the word open was in red. The sign was approximately 8-10 feet in length and the stand was not taken. There are no suspects at this time.

6.7.20 at 1322

During the course of a traffic stop, a 19-year-old Marshfield man was found to be in possession of a Barron County municipal license plate. The plate had a hand-drawn black star to resemble a law enforcement plate. Barron County Sheriff’s Department requested the plate be seized and they would follow up with their highway department on Monday.

6.7.20 at 1421

Complainants witnessed a vehicle driven by a female back out of the driveway of a residence on E. 9th St. in Marshfield and there was a male on top of the vehicle yelling and kicking the vehicle as it was moving; the female drove a short distance, stopped, and the male entered the vehicle. The complainants stated that their perception was that the male and female were engaging in a fight. Police made contact with the parties involved and both stated it was only a prank.

6.7.20 at 1429

It was reported a female failed to pay for gasoline. The female appeared to have swiped a card at the pump, but the transaction was not approved. The female left without entering the store. Identification and license plate could not be obtained from video surveillance. The female appeared to be thin build in her early 20’s.

6.7.20 at 1736

A 76-year-old Marshfield woman contacted police stating that she believed she gave bank account information to someone trying to scam her. She stated that an unknown male called her multiple times stating that he needed to update her cable service. The man claimed that he was going to remotely update the system, but needed Reno’s bank account information before he could perform the services. He provided the man with her bank account and routing number, but later realized that she was scammed. The woman contacted BMO Harris and was able to freeze her account so she did not lose any money.

6.8.20 at 1220

A 40-year-old Marshfield male reported that he received a letter notifying him that he applied for unemployment. He stated that the letter contained personal information which included his social security number. His employer also received notification of his application. The male was advised to contact his bank and obtain a copy of his credit report.

6.8.20 at 1542

A 48-year-old Kentucky female entered an address on S Maple Ave without permission. No items were reported missing, but the female was formally evicted on 01/30/2019. Contact with the female was made and she stated that she was still being billed for the mobile home. The manager of the park advised that they no longer wanted the female on the property. The female was issued a warning for trespassing and was advised to avoid the mobile home park.

6.8.20 at 2200

Officer conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle for the high-mounted stop lamp not working. K9 Rika alerted to the presence of a controlled substance inside the suspect vehicle. A search was conducted which resulted in officers locating 2 glass pipes with residue, a crystal-like substance that tested positive for methamphetamine, pills that either suspect had a prescription for, and a digital scale. Officers arrested the driver, a 38-year-old Holmen male for possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of methamphetamine. Officers also arrested the passenger, a 42-year-old La Crosse male for possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of a prescription without a prescription, and who also had a valid warrant. Charges are being requested through Wood County DA.

6.9.20 at 0925

Two Marshfield males reported that a 34-year-old Marshfield woman and her 12-year-old nephew drove slowly by their residence and flipped them off and yelled at them. Isaac stated that she then turned around and did the same thing again before driving away. Contact was made with the suspect. She denied the accusations. She was warned to not have any contact with Isaac or Mark.

6.9.20 at 1057

It was reported that a city cleaning crew discovered damage at Braem Park in Marshfield. Damage included a broken toilet in the women’s’ restroom, ketchup on the walls, and litter in the shelter and park area. The total damage estimate is $500. There are no suspects at this time.

6.9.20 At 1305

A Marshfield woman reported a verbal altercation between her brother in law and his girlfriend. Contact was made with the involved parties. The girlfriend was taken into custody and posted the necessary bond. A request for charges will be sent to the Wood County District Attorney’s Office.

6.10.20 at 1841

An 18-year-old Marshfield male called to report his ex-girlfriend; an 18-year-old Wisconsin Rapids female was continually harassing him while at his place of employment. Contact was made with the female and she was issued a verbal warning for harassment. She was advised any further violations could result in other enforcement options.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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