Police Reports: Man Involved in ATV Accident


Marshfield Police Department Reports

10.4.19 at 1536
A 52 year-old Marshfield man was involved in an ATV accident (rollover). He suffered minor injuries. Marshfield Fire and Rescue responded, offered the man first aid (refused), and assisted with the removal of the ATV from the roadway. The man was not issued a citation as he was using his ATV for lawn care.

10.11.19 at 1708
A 44 year-old Marshfield female reported that while she was at an appointment a physician had touched her which made her feel uncomfortable.

10.11.19 at 2223
A 27 year-old Langlade County male was arrested during a traffic stop after the odor of marijuana was detected within the vehicle. The male was placed under arrest for Operating After Revocation (Criminal), Possession of Methamphetamine, THC, Drug Paraphernalia and Schedule III Drug. Male was transported to Marshfield Police Department for booking procedures and Wood County Jail. The above charges will be requested through Wood County District Attorney’s Office.

10.12.19 at 0141
Officers were dispatched to downtown Marshfield for a traffic accident. Upon arrival, a woman stated the person who caused the accident was trying to leave in a vehicle just ahead of the police vehicle. The officer made contact with the driver who was identified as a 47 year-old Marshfield male. The man stated his vehicle was struck and now blocked him. He lead the officer to the accident scene where he showed that his Escalade was stuck to another Red Dakota truck. It was determined that the Cadillac had backed into the Dodge, became stuck to the Dakota truck and pulled ahead with the truck still attached. The man denied driving his truck. He was in possession of the keys to the cadillac and later admitted to officers he was driving. He stated he was intoxicated, had slurred speech, glassy eyes and a strong odor of intoxicants on his breath. He refused SFST’s and was arrested for OWI 1st. He refused a blood draw at 0205 and was issued citations and notice of intent to revoke. He then pleaded for an opportunity to take the blood test and was reread the form where he consented to a blood draw. A blood draw was completed and the blood kit was mailed in a USPS mailbox. He was released to his daughter.

10.12.19 at 0241
A traffic stop was conducted in the 100 block of S. Chestnut Ave. The driver, a 30 year-old female, appeared intoxicated and arrested for OWI 2nd. A search of the female located marijuana and drug paraphernalia. The female was booked and transported to WoodCounty Jail. Charges were requested through Wood County District Attorney’s Office.

10.12.19 at 0304
A 21 year-old Marshfield female reported a suspicious beige car with loud exhaust that was repeatedly circling the block. The vehicle was located in a parking lot. The driver, a 19 year-old Ironwood, Michigan man, admitted to driving and exhibited signs of impairment. He was arrested for OWI. Drug items were located. The driver was transported to MDPD for booking. He was then released to a responsible party. Charges are being requested through Wood County District Attorney’s Office.

10.12.19 at 1100
A 41 year-old Marshfield male contacted police and reported he received a voice message via Facebook Messenger from the account of a 27 year-old Marshfield female that was threatening. Ultimately that female was arrested for Disorderly Conduct, Resisting Arrest, and Felony Bail Jumping. The female was booked at the Marshfield PD and transported to the Wood County Jail. Charges will be requested through the Wood County DA’s office.

10.13.19 at 0025
An auxiliary officer reported a verbal disturbance between a married male and female in Griese Park. Prior to police arrival the male left the scene and police could not locate him, nor would he answer his phone when called. According to the female, there were no threats involved; however, while attempting to get her phone back from the male she may have inadvertently scratched his face.

10.13.19 at 1217
An officer was dispatched to a crash site at N. Peach Ave. and E. Upham St. and the subject was an operator of one of the vehicles involved. During the crash investigation, the officer believed that the operators of both vehicles were not being honest and were attempting to hide actions that they may have done to cause the crash. It was very windy at the time of the crash, so the officer did not immediately notice the odor of intoxicants coming from this subject’s breath. She initially denied consuming any alcohol, but later admitted she had been drinking. She performed some SFST poorly and refused a PBT. She consented to a legal blood draw.

10.13.19 at 1522
Officers attempted to located a 28 year-old Marshfield male who had three active warrants for his arrest. The 28 year-old male fled from the scene on N. Ash Ave on foot and resisted officers. The male was located shortly after and taken into custody.

10.13.19 at1528
An unknown device, a possible camera, was found on the bike trail (State/Adams) mounted to a tree on City of Marshfield property. The item was removed and logged into evidence. Follow-up to continue for ownership of the item.

10.13.19 at 1816
A gas station reported an unidentified male driving a white Chrysler Pacifica pumped fuel on three separate occasions, 09.15.19 ($28.22), 10.7.19 ($30.00), 10.12.19 ($24.75), and then left without rendering payment for the fuel each time. A license plate was visible on the security cameras but records indicate there is no vehicle associated with it. Police are attempting to identify the male from the security camera images.

10.13.19 at 2153
Officer went to a residence on W. 5th Street to make contact with at 42 year-old Marshfield male for a theft complaint. Upon contact the odor of marijuana was coming from the residence. The male was inside with his 11 year-old son. The son was turned over to the custody of his mother. A search warrant was obtained for the residence and marijuana and drug paraphernalia was located inside. The male was transported to Wood County jail and charges were requested through the Wood County District Attorney’s Office.

10.13.19 at 2313
A 24 year-old Marshfield female reported she was involved in a physical disturbance at her residence on S. Maple Ave. with her 26 year-old boyfriend. The 26 year-old Marshfield man was taken into custody for disorderly conduct and posted bond. Charges are being requested through the Wood County District Attorney’s Office for Disorderly Conduct on each party.

10.14.19 at 2053
Officers responded for a complaint in E. 8th Street that a male living at the residence possessed drugs. Contact was made with a 28 year-old female who lived there and allowed the officers into her residence. The residence had the odor of marijuana inside. The 28 year-old female provided consent to the officers to search and multiple items of drug paraphernalia were located. The 28 year-old female was issued a citation. No further action was taken.

10.14.19 at 0939
A 51 year-old female reported that her roof on a rental property had bullet holes in it causing leaks. She reported that a roofing service repaired the leaks. The company specified that there were no bullet holes and reported that one 9mm round was found intact on the roof prior to the company repairing the roof. It reported that people regularly vandalize the roof and has repaired the roof multiple times. Both parties were instructed to report any future vandalism or damage to police.

A 39 year old Marshfield woman was arrested, booked and released for Operating While Revoked after being stopped for a traffic violation in the 200 block of W 3rd St.

A 28 year-old Kronenwetter man was arrested regarding a Probation Violation at 1600 N Chestnut Ave. He was photographed and fingerprinted at the Marshfield Police Department. He was then transported to Marathon County Jail.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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