Police Reports: Man Threatens Dentist


Marshfield Police Department Reports

6.21.19: A 38-year-old Marshfield male was taken into custody for a probation hold. He was booked at the Marshfield PD and then transported to the Wood County Jail.

6.20.19 at 1409: A 74-year-old Marshfield male called a local dentist office in Marshfield asking to speak to one of the dentists. The Marshfield man did not contact the dentist, but did leave a voicemail, which was threatening in nature.

6.20.19 at 1331: A 34-year-old Marshfield male was asked to leave the Marshfield Mall multiple times over the course of 6.18 and 6.19. The 34-year-old would leave then return, repeatedly. He would reportedly record other patrons and made staff feel uncomfortable. The Marshfield Mall Management Office issued a No Trespassing notice to the 34-year-old. He was contacted by officer and given the notice.

6.20.19 at 1313: A Marshfield man reported that his vehicle had minor cosmetic damages, including the license place being bent outward, and blemishes that were white in color. He reported that this happened while the car was parked, with no one inside the vehicle. There was no camera footage in the parking lot where this accident happened. No vehicles near the parked car showed any signs of damage or blemishing.

6.20.19 at 1230: A Marshfield woman reported that her bicycle was stolen while she was at work. She described her bike as a bright yellow Beach Cruiser with a brown seat and silver handlebars. She stated that she parked it in the bike rack at the end of the building and did not give anyone permission to take it.

6.20.19 at 1032: Complainant reported an incident that occurred on 6.17, as well as other ongoing issues with her significant other, a 50-year-old Marshfield man. Both subjects shared vastly different stories regarding the incidents that occurred. They were separated and the complainant agreed to stay at her apartment for the night, while the male subject stayed at his current location. Both parties agreed to be civil while the other retrieved belongings or to call the department to request a civil standby.

6.20.19: A 40-year-old Marshfield male was placed under arrest for an active Marshfield Police Department warrant. The male was brought to the Marshfield PD for booking procedures and later released after bond was posted.

6.19.19 at 1440: A landlord for a residence in Marshfield called dispatch to report a non-responsive tenant. Marshfield EMS and officers arrived on scene and EMS checked for signs of life. Scene was investigated and Wood County Coroner Evans arrived on scene.

6.19.19 at 1440: Complainant reported that a vehicle was struck while parked and unoccupied. The striking vehicle was driven by a 57-year-old Spencer woman, who had AAA insurance and hit the left rear tire with her front right-side bumper. It caused a scuff mark on her vehicle and no damage to the other vehicle. Photographs were taken and the damage was under the threshold for a state accident report.

6.18.19 at 1758: Complainant reported that he believes his daughter’s caregivers have been taking advantage of her and stealing money and items from her for the last year and a half. Investigation to continue.

6.18.19 at 1236: A worker at a local retail store reported that two individuals stole items from the store. Upon police arrival, the 30-year-old Marshfield woman and 21-year-old Marshfield male were taken into custody. Wood County Probation was contacted, and the woman was released. The man was transported to the Wood County Jail. Charges of Retail Theft are being requested for the woman and Felony Bail Jumping are being requested for the male through the Wood County District Attorney’s office.

6.16.19 at 1700: An anonymous complainant reported a 36-year-old male pointed a pistol at another male in a threatening manner at a trailer court in Marshfield. The 36-year-old was located by the Everest Metro Police Department and taken into custody. Charges for Felon in Possession of a Firearm and Endangering Safety by Use of a Dangerous Weapon will be referred to the Wood County D.A.’s office.

6.16.19 at 0200: Officers were dispatched to a report of a domestic disturbance that occurred between the victim and her boyfriend, an 18-year-old Marshfield man. As a result of the investigation, the male was taken into custody for Strangulation, Battery, Disorderly Conduct, and Criminal Damage to Property. He was booked at the Marshfield Police Department and then transported to Wood County Jail.

6.16.19 at 0121: A 59-year old Marshfield man was arrested for OWI, after which he threatened to end and/or kill the arresting officer and anyone residing with him. The man was placed into handcuffs, searched, and transported to Marshfield PD, then to Marshfield Medical Center for a legal blood draw, then brought back to the police department, where he was processed for the arrest. The man was transported to Wood County Jail and relinquished to the staff without incident. A request for charge of Threat to an Officer of the Court or Law Enforcement Officer and OWI (4th offense) are being forwarded to the Wood County District Attorney’s office.

6.7.19 at 1551 (Reported): A Marshfield man was contacted via email by a Texas-based sports advertising company with a request for money for t-shirts to support Marshfield High School athletics. Money was sent and t-shirts did arrive at MHS. The man contacted MHS staff, but they reported that they are not affiliated with that company.



News Desk
Author: News Desk

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