Police Reports: Retail Theft and No-Contact Orders

police reports marshfield wi

MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – October 23

A local grocery store employee reported a 72-year-old Marshfield female left the store without paying for $104.34 worth of groceries. While conducting follow up for this case an Officer located the female as she was exiting the store with an additional grocery cart full of food that was unpaid. The female was arrested on a Marathon County Warrant and transported to the Marathon County Jail. Two counts of retail theft as well as four counts of misdemeanor bail jumping will be directed to the Wood County District Attorney’s Office.

November 2

A 44-year-old Marshfield woman contacted the department to report the theft of money from her business profits over a 3-year period. The woman did not want the suspect charged nor contacted at this time and has yet to provide any bank documentation to show the withdrawals. Further investigation needed when additional information is provided by the woman.

An 18-year-old Marshfield man came to the station in regards to a possible restraining order violation. The man’s mother had received a letter in the mail from an unknown inmate that became friends with the man’s older brother. The brother is a respondent in a restraining order for the 18-year-old and his mother. The letter has a sentence that references the older brother saying he loved them. The 18-year-old was advised that the letter is addressed to his mother and she would need to report the violation as well as needing the court documentation regarding the order. At this time the mother has yet to contact the officer and the 18-year-old did not want officers to contact his mother.

A 49-year-old Marshfield woman reported multiple individuals, several area businesses and herself were victims of a fraud after finding out a 43 y/o Stratford male had lied about a terminal illness diagnosis to gain profit. After investigation, it was learned the vast majority of the affected victims were outside the city’s jurisdiction. Those agencies were contacted and made aware of the case. This case will be re-opened if any new information is learned.

November 3

A 63-year-old Wisconsin Rapids male reported his vehicle was damaged by a shopping cart at the above listed location. A witness told the 63-year-old that a male subject pushed the cart towards the cart corral but the cart veered off course and struck the victim’s vehicle causing damage. The witness obtained the male subjects license plate and provided it to the victim when he exited the store and approached his vehicle. Contact was made with the male subject who stated that he did attempt to put the cart back and it did veer off towards the victim’s vehicle but stated he stopped the cart just prior to hit hitting the vehicle and that he did not cause the damage. The 63-year-old informed this officer that he would seek compensation for the damage thru civil court action. No further involvement.

November 5

A 58-year-old male told Police that a 46-year-old Marshfield male had violated a no contact order. Police investigated and found that both the men were being dishonest with officers about the incident.

November 7

Officers were called to a Marshfield bar for a 29-year-old man refusing to leave the bar. During contact with the man it was discovered he was on bond with a condition of absolute sobriety. The man was taken into custody and later transported to the Wood County Jail. Charges of misdemeanor bail jumping are being requested through the Wood County District Attorney’s Office.

Kwik Trip staff noticed that three unknown juveniles had concealed various food items into a back pack and left the store without paying for them. When the juveniles are identified they will be cited for retail theft.

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News Desk
Author: News Desk