Police Reports: Scammer Poses as Pastor


Marshfield Police Department Reports

6.28.19 at 0159: A Marshfield woman called to report that a 33-year-old Marshfield male destroyed her potted plants and lawn decorations that were in her front yard, and yelled profanities at her. Contact was made with the male and he admitted to his alleged actions. When the male was told he was under arrest he became uncooperative and resisted arrest. The male was transported to Marshfield Medical Center by Marshfield EMS and eventually to Wood County Jail. Charges of Disorderly Conduct, Criminal Damage to Property, Resisting an Officer, and Possession of a Controlled Substance will be requested through the Wood County DA’s office.

6.27.19 at 2127: On the stated date and time, a Marshfield woman reported that her husband, a 32-year-old Marshfield man, was causing a disturbance at their residence. The woman stated that the male had yelled multiple profanities and threw a ketchup bottle against the wall causing it to explode all over furniture, walls and the floors. At the time of the incident, the couple’s four young children were present. The male was apprehended hiding behind a small tree in a nearby neighborhood. The male was transported to Marshfield PD and later to Wood County Jail as he was unable to post bond. Charges of Disorderly Conduct-Domestic Abuse will be requested through the Wood County DA’s office.

6.27.19 at 2007: There was information that came through via Crime Stoppers Tip line that stated a 21-year-old Marshfield man was on probation and was possibly using drugs at his residence. An Act 79 search was conducted at his residence, where Contraband was recovered. The defendant was taken into custody, and charges will be requested through the Wood County DA’s office.

6.27.19 at 1846: Officers received a complaint of an intoxicated subject leaving in his vehicle in the 1500 block of S Central Ave. A traffic stop was conducted, and the defendant was identified by a Wisconsin DL. The defendant had an odor of intoxicants coming from the car and himself and had bloodshot eyes. He admitted to drinking and was asked to perform a Standard Field Sobriety Test, which was performed poorly. He registered .10 with a PBT. The man was arrested for OWI (1st Offense). He agreed to a legal blood draw and was released to a sober adult.

6.27.19 at 1821: A 22-year-old Marshfield woman was arrested for possession of Methamphetamine, and Drug Paraphernalia after complaints were received from two other Marshfield women. The female was transported to Marshfield PD for booking and then later transported and released to the Wood County Jail. Charges will be sought through the Wood County DA’s office. Due to a 2-year-old child being involved, Wood County Intake was contacted, and the child was placed with one of the complainants.

6.27.19 at 0129: An officer observed a vehicle approaching his squad car at a rapid pace. The officer activated his radar unit “G” to obtain the vehicle’s speed. The radar had a speed reading of 35 MPH, but the posted speed was 25 MPH. While following the vehicle the officer observed the vehicle in two lanes while going through an intersection and signaling to turn right and entering the right turn lane but continuing to go straight. The officer initiated a traffic stop and approached the driver and detected a strong odor of intoxicants. The defendant stated that he was coming from the bar and had 1 or 2 drinks. The officer asked the defendant to step out of the vehicle and was asked to perform a SFST, which was performed poorly. The man was arrested for OWI (1st Offense). Citation was completed and the defendant was read his Miranda Rights. Defendant submitted an evidentiary chemical test of his blood at MMC and was later transported to a responsible adult’s residence. The blood sample remained in officer possession until mailed in USPS box.

6.26.19 at 1218: A Marshfield man reported misplacing his wallet about a week prior to the stated date. He remembered having it at a 32-year-old Marshfield female’s house. The 32-year-old denied knowing anything about the wallet. The man cancelled his credit/debit cards.

6.26.19 at 1208: A Marshfield woman called to report a physical altercation taking place in an upstairs apartment. She stated she could hear loud yelling and rumbling. Upon arrival a 27-year-old Marshfield male was taken into custody and transported to the Marshfield PD for booking. A 22-year-old Marshfield female and an advocate from Personal Development Center also responded to the Marshfield PD for statements. Charges for Strangulation, Battery, Disorderly Conduct and False Imprisonment will be forwarded to the Wood County District Attorney’s office for the 27-year-old. The male was also taken into custody for an active Wood County warrant and probation hold.

6.25.19: A 32-year-old Marshfield man was taken into custody in the 300 block of N Central Ave for a probation hold. The male was transported to Marshfield PD for booking and later transported to Wood County Jail.

6.24.19 at 2352: An 18-year-old Jackson County man was transported by air from Jackson County after he sustained serious injuries in a car accident. Jackson County Sheriff’s Department requested mutual aid from Marshfield Police Department. Marshfield officers gathered a blood sample from the 18-year-old after his arrival at Marshfield Medical Center ER.

6.24.19: A 36-year-old Marshfield man was taken into custody based on a violation of probation rules. Probation placed a hold on the male, and he was transported to Wood County Jail.

6.23.19 at 0959: On the listed date and time a Marshfield woman contacted police stating that she was being harassed by another resident in her apartment complex. Officers contacted the woman and found that she had been having mutual contact with the person she claimed to have been harassing her. Officers advised the woman and the other person to stop contacting one another or they would be cited.

6.22.19 at 2011: A Marshfield man reported a loud verbal altercation between a male and a female in the apartment next to him. The man stated that he could hear things being slammed and loud banging noises. Contact was eventually made with the subjects in question. A 22-year-old Marshfield male was taken into custody for Disorderly Conduct and Bail Jumping. He was unable to post the necessary bond and was transported to the Wood County Jail. A request for charges will be filed with the Wood County District Attorney.

6.22.19 at 1700: A Marshfield man reported theft of medications from his residence between 6.21 and 6.22. A woman also living at the residence indicated other items were missing and is collecting information and photographs. The woman will provide the list and values of items when she completes it. Both complainants believe this is the result of a long-standing dispute.

6.22.19 at 0734: A Marshfield woman reported that she received an email from who she thought was her church pastor, asking her to buy $300 in Google Play gift cards. The woman purchased the gift cards and delivered them to her pastor, only to find out that her pastor did not send the email, it was from a fraudulent Gmail account. The woman is in the process of trying to return the gift cards to where she purchased them from, as well as contact her credit card company’s fraud division. There are no suspects currently.

6.21.19 at 2326: A Marshfield woman reported witnessing two males leave her neighbor’s unoccupied apartment with backpacks, claiming to be her neighbor’s roommates. The individuals damaged the apartment door frame and dead bolt and left the scene prior to police arrival. Contact was made with the resident of the apartment who would inform police if anything inside her apartment was missing.

6.21.19 at 2118: A Marshfield woman reported that over the last month she has been receiving numerous unwanted text messages from a 28-year-old Marshfield female and that female’s mother. The woman stated that the messages are not threatening or vulgar in any way, just excessive. Contact was made with the 28-year-old, who agreed to cease further contact.

6.21.19 at 1350: An officer had met with a Marshfield man who reported that his son’s Specialized Bicycle had been stolen sometime between 5.11 and 5.12. The man reported that his son had left his bicycle, unlocked, at his school due to weather. They initially believed that a friend may have borrowed the bike, which is why it wasn’t reported earlier. There are no current records of the bike being turned in, nor anything in LEADS. Info has been passed on to Wood County Dispatch for CIB entry.

6.21.19 at 1148: At the listed date and time officers were dispatched to the 1500 block of Carmen Avenue in Marshfield to check the welfare of a male subject in the area. The man reported that the male seemed “off” and was seen drinking clear liquid from a bottle and then leaving the bottle behind a house. Officers initially did not find the man but did locate multiple vodka bottles where the man had reportedly been seen with said bottle. Officers were familiar with a 40-year-old man who lives in the area and regularly hides stolen alcohol containers throughout the neighborhood. Officers contacted that man and determined that he was the man the complainant had called about. Officers also contacted a local grocery store and they reported that a man wearing the same clothing had stolen vodka the previous evening. The man was transported to the Marshfield Medical Center for his extremely high level of intoxication and charges will be requested through the Wood County District Attorney’s office.

6.21.19 at 1019: Probation and Parole requested officers to take a 50-year-old Marshfield male into custody at 201 W Depot Street in Marshfield. The male was taken into custody and transported to the Marshfield PD for booking procedures, then to Wood County Jail.

6.20.19 at 1837: A Marshfield man reported that he believes a 26-year-old Marshfield female and a 57-year-old Marshfield man smashed his phone while he was incarcerated.

6.20.19 at 1200: A Marshfield man reported damage to his lawn and driveway caused by a communications company. The man stated that he observed a truck and trailer from the company back on to his lawn and cause damage. The company’s employees also unloaded a large piece of equipment off the trailer and caused damage to his driveway. Officer contacted an employee, who stated that they will be back in a few days to fix the damage. The man was advised.

6.18.19 at 1030: A Marshfield woman reported an ongoing dispute with her neighbor, a 49-year-old Marshfield male. Ultimately no action was taken.

Residents Encouraged to Register Bicycles

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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