Police Reports: Suspects Expel Fire Extinguishers in Restroom


Marshfield Police Department Reports

9.4.19 at 2014: A Marshfield man stated that his 29-year-old girlfriend was having suicidal thoughts and had cut her wrist. Contact was made with the 29-year-old female who did have a superficial cut on her wrist that was done with a razor blade. The female did not need medical attention and stated that she was stressed out and was having suicidal thoughts. Wood County Crisis was contacted, and a safety plan was set up with the complainant which included him staying with her and to call Law Enforcement or Crisis Intervention if any concerns arose. No further action was taken.

[The 24/7 National Hotline is 1-800-273-8255; The 24/7 Crisis Hotline is 715-384-5555 for Marshfield and surrounding areas].

9.4.19 at 1530: A Marshfield man reported being bitten by a small white Chihuahua outside his residence. The bite was relatively minor, and the man had already sought precautionary medical treatment prior to police involvement. The proper procedures are being taken by the dog’s owner.

9.4.19 at 1123: A 43-year-old Marshfield man reported that his storage unit recently went through new management/ownership. Under the new ownership, there was miscommunication between old contracts/agreements with the previous management. Two of the complainant’s snowmobiles were removed from the unit and transported to a different storage address. Communication between the complainant and new owner was elusive therefore he wanted this incident documented.

9.4.19: A 34-year-old Marshfield man reported to the Marshfield PD wishing to take care of two outstanding Marshfield PD warrants. The male was booked, unable to post bond, and then transported to the Wood County Jail.

9.3.19 at 1931: Wood County Crisis Intervention reported that a 42-year-old Auburndale female had feelings of self-harm and unable to keep herself safe. A safety plan was not able to be established and a commitment was approved. Following medical clearance, the female was transported to Norwood for treatment.

9.3.19 at 1827: Complainant contacted dispatch requesting a welfare check be conducted on her 1-year-old son. The complainant advised her ex-boyfriend, a 23-year-old Marshfield male, uses drugs in front of the child. Contact was made with the 23-year-old and the child. As a result of the complaint the man was cited for Possession of Drug Paraphernalia. A 43-year-old female was also cited for Possession of Drug Paraphernalia.

9.3.19 at 1608: The responding officer conducted a traffic stop for a vehicle violation. After approaching the 28-year-old female driver from Marshfield, the officer gave the female driver a citation and a warning. During the traffic stop, the officer noticed the female was very nervous and a request for another officer was made. After the traffic stop was concluded, a consent search was performed after the female driver granted permission. The responding officer recovered seven Clonazepam pills that were contained inside an allergy pill bottle. The female stated that she used to have a prescription for them but is not prescribed to them currently. Officers advised the female that she has until 9/6/19 to show proof that she in fact was prescribed these pills at one point. Investigation to continue.

9.3.19 at 1405: A Marshfield woman reported that when she returned to her residence, she noticed that the door was unlocked. She stated that she had locked the door before leaving. There were no signs of forced entry or any damage to the residence. She reported that she did not observe anything missing. The residence was also cleared.

9.3.19 at 0957: A Marshfield man reported that a 70-year-old Marshfield man has possibly stolen several items from one of his old residences that he sold at the end of July. The complainant stated that he did agree to sell some of the items but that never took place. He stated that there are multiple items missing that he did not give the 70-year-old male permission to take. A voicemail was left to the possible suspect. Investigation to continue.

9.3.19: As a result of a traffic stop, a 40-year-old Marshfield man was taken into custody for OAR (alcohol-related). The male was transported to the Marshfield PD for booking procedures and later released.

9.2.19 at 1515: Two Marshfield women reported an unwanted male subject was outside their apartment knocking on the door and refused to leave. Officers made contact with the male who claimed to be friends with one of the females. The male was informed that the woman did not wish to have contact with him today and he was instructed to leave the property, which he did. No further involvement.

9.2.19 at 1414: A Marshfield woman reported that within the past few weeks she has noticed gas missing from her vehicles. She stated it first happened to her car and she bought a locking gas cap to fix the problem. She also said that earlier that day when she went into her van, she noticed the light on her dash indicated that her gas cap was open. When checking the gas cap, she stated it was not screwed on all the way. She has since bought a locking gas cap for that vehicle as well. Currently there is no known suspect.

9.2.19 at 1200: A Marshfield woman was house sitting for her sister who was hospitalized out of state. Upon arriving at the residence, she observed the front door was chained from the inside which is not how she left the residence, and no one had permission to be inside the residence. Officers made entry to the residence but did not locate anyone. It was determined that someone had been inside, however nothing was missing or damaged. Currently, the complainant and her sister believe it may have been the sister’s ex-husband or son who made entry to sleep on the couch as they recently became homeless. An attempt to contact both was made with no success. There are no other suspects currently. No further involvement.

9.2.19 at 0600: Marshfield Medical Center ER staff reported an intoxicated 55-year-old Marshfield man was being verbally abusive and threatening physical violence against staff while obtaining treatment. Upon police arrival, the man was sitting in his medical bed and using profane language towards staff. Officers were able to get the male to calm down and be respectful towards the staff that was treating him. Officers informed staff to call back if the male became disruptive again, and further enforcement action would be taken at that time. No further involvement was needed.

9.2.19 at 0310: A Marshfield man reported being involved in a disturbance with a 56-year-old Marshfield male. During the investigation it was learned that the 56-year-old fabricated details of the altercation and was court ordered to not have contact with the complainant as well as having an open court case which outlines the no-contact order. The man was taken into custody, booked, and transported to the Wood County Jail. Charges are being requested for the 56-year-old through the Wood County DA’s office.

9.1.19 at 2130: At the listed date and time a Marshfield woman reported ongoing harassing behavior by a 20-year-old Marshfield man. Officers talked to the man multiple times throughout the evening and he was eventually taken into custody for Disorderly Conduct. The man was transported to the Marshfield PD for booking procedures, then to Wood County Jail. Charges of Disorderly Conduct and Misdemeanor Bail Jumping will be forwarded to the Wood County DA’s office.

9.1.19 at 1344: On the listed date and time a Marshfield man contacted police to report that someone had taken his phone. The complainant stated that his phone was left on a vehicle and then fell off the vehicle and was laying in the roadway in front of his residence. The complainant did not notice his phone was missing until he observed a Hispanic male in a yellow car stop and pick up the phone. The man was unable to catch the subject prior to him driving off. The man attempted to call the phone to speak to the subject, but the phone had been turned off. The complainant was advised to monitor the phone using the lost iPhone feature if/when the phone is turned back on and then Law Enforcement will attempt to locate the phone.

9.1.19 at 1230: On the stated date and time a 27-year-old Marshfield man was taken into custody for a probation hold pursuant to a traffic stop. The man was transported to Wood County Jail.

9.1.19 at 1225: A 32-year-old Marshfield male was observed walking in the 500 block of S Central Ave and found to have a warrant through Anoka County, MN. The male was taken into custody and transported to Wood County Jail.

9.1.19 at 0745: An employee from a restaurant in Marshfield requested officers to perform a welfare check on two individuals that had been sitting in a running car for nearly two hours. Upon arrival officers located the vehicle and observed two men sleeping inside the vehicle. Contact was made and they were identified as a 25-year-old Chicago male and a 32-year-old Chicago male. The male was placed under arrest for OWI (2nd Offense), Obstructing an Officer and a Probation Hold. After a legal blood draw the male was transported to Wood County Jail.

8.30.19 at 1539: An employee of a Marshfield business called to report observing two individuals, a 33-year-old Neillsville female and a 35-year-old Neillsville man using controlled substances in a vehicle in the business’ parking lot. An Act 79 search was conducted, and the two individuals were arrested for Felony Possession of THC, PO Hold, and Felony Bail Jumping. Probation and Parole was also contacted, and a hold was placed on the woman. Both individuals were transported to Marshfield PD for booking procedures and then to Wood County Jail.

8.30.19 at 1100: On the listed date and time, a Marshfield man contacted police to request a 41-year-old man be removed from a residence he is leasing. The man also advised officers that he believed that his ex-girlfriend may have been in a physical altercation with the same subject. Officers contacted the ex-girlfriend and she stated that she was in a relationship with the man that the complainant wanted removed and confirmed that the man had gotten physical with her. The 41-year-old was arrested for Disorderly Conduct-Domestic Abuse and was also transported to Marshfield PD. The man posted the required bond and was released from custody.

8.29.19 at 1050: A retail store’s Loss Prevention Staff notified officers of a retail theft involving multiple packs of sports, magic and various novelty playing cards totaling over $400. CCTV footage was reviewed, and a male subject is seen entering the store and taking the cards to another aisle (without CCTV) where the cards were unpackaged and concealed inside the man’s sweatshirt pocket. As the male exits the store, the front of his sweatshirt has a significantly large bulge from all the cards which were concealed. Identification of the male subject has not yet been made at the time of the report. Investigation to continue.

8.27.19 at 2000: An employee from the Marshfield Fair Association reported that unknown individuals stole multiple fire extinguishers from one of the remaining tents still set up from the Central Wisconsin Fair. The individuals then expelled the extinguishers in the men’s bathroom at the main office of the fairgrounds. Two potential suspect names were given. Investigation to continue.



News Desk
Author: News Desk

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