MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – March 31
A 33-year-old Marshfield man stated he went to the YMCA and accidentally left his phone, wallet, and keys on the bathroom counter. When he got back into the bathroom after his workout he noticed his money was missing from his wallet. YMCA stated they do not have any surveillance that would cover the bathroom area to seek potential suspects. The man did not have any other suspects. No further information, record only.
April 1
A 54-year-old Marshfield woman reported an incident earlier in the day involving her ex-boyfriend, a 55 year old Marshfield male. Officers issued a citation for harassment however the male continued his threatening behavior by sending more text messages, leaving voicemails and eventually showed up at the woman’s residence in his vehicle. The woman took a photo and the male drove off. The male was later arrested the next day following a DOC warrant issued for his arrest. Disorderly Conduct charges were requested through the Wood County District Attorney’s Office.
April 2
Following the arrest of a 28-year-old female, credit cards were located in her property which did not belong to her. The owner of the cards was notified. Investigation to follow.
A traffic stop was conducted at a Marshfield location. Officer Fox and K9 Rika were requested to the scene. An exterior sniff of the vehicle was conducted and K9 Rika indicated to the presence of a controlled substance from within the vehicle. As a result, a 28-year-old Medford male was taken into custody. A request for charges is being forwarded to the Wood County District Attorney’s Office for possession of methamphetamine, possession of THC and OWI 3rd offense.
A 55 year old Marshfield male was taken into custody for a probation warrant. A search of his vehicle was conducted pursuant to a K9 alert and marijuana and drug paraphernalia was found. The male was transported to the Wood County Jail and charges were requested through the Wood County District Attorney’s Office.
April 3
A 29 year old Marshfield female reported her boyfriend put his hands on her. Through investigation it was learned that the female caused the disturbance at the residence. The female was taken into custody and transported to Wood County Jail. Charges are being requested through the Wood County District Attorney’s Office.
A man called to report a disturbance involving his mother, a 40 year old Marshfield female. As a result of the investigation the female was arrested and taken to the Wood County jail. A request for charges will be sent to the Wood County D.A.’s office on the female for Disorderly Conduct-Domestic Abuse, Resisting, CDTP, and Felony bail jumping.
April 4
Marshfield Middle School staff reported that a thirteen year old had recorded part of a disturbance between her mother and her mother’s boyfriend over the weekend. As a result of the investigation, a forty year old Marshfield man was arrested for Domestic related Disorderly Conduct and Battery. The 72 hour no contact provision was enforced by the victim.
Marshfield Medical Center ER staff reported a dog bite. Contact was made with the dog owner and victim. A rabies control report was completed.
April 5
A 28-year-old Auburndale woman called reporting that her mother Silvia called her stating that Silvia was just hit by her 12 year old daughter. Officers arrived on scene and met with Silvia. Silvia stated that her 12 year old daughter has since left with her father and that she was looking for more assistance in regards to her daughter. Resources were provided and a copy of this will be forwarded to Human Services.
Officers were dispatched to a welfare check on a 31 yr old Marshfield man. Officers met with the man and he indicated an injury had occurred the previous day and he had already been to the hospital for treatment. In speaking to him, it became apparent that some type of altercation had taken place. Contact was made with a 40 yr old Marshfield woman. The man was subsequently taken into custody and then transported to the Wood County Jail. Charges are being requested through the Wood County District Attorney’s Office.
April 6
A 50 year old woman, whom had her vehicle parked, noticed some items missing from within her vehicle. It was unconfirmed if it was locked the entire time and in a location that is not visible from camera systems. The victim believes a friend had taken the items and attempts to contact her have been made without success. This is an on-going investigation.
An 18 year old Marshfield man called dispatch to report that his uncle’s ex-girlfriend was messaging him vulgar and threatening comments. Ultimately both the complainant and the 23 year old woman had a heated text exchange throughout the day with the woman making homicidal implied phrases. The woman was contacted and admitted it got out of hand and denied she would do anything to harm anyone. Both parties agreed to cease contact and blocked each others accounts.
Fleet Farm Loss Prevention called to report an active retail theft in which a 30 year old Marshfield woman was observed concealing items valued at $235.96 inside of her purse. Prior to officer arrival the woman left the store without paying for items and when confronted by employees she tossed the items outside, got into a vehicle that proceeded to drive away. The suspect was identified and taken into custody the next day at her residence. The suspect was transported to Wood County jail on a probation hold. Charges of Retail Theft and Felony Bail Jumping will be referred to Wood County District Attorney’s office.
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