Police Reports: Woman Being Held Captive, THC Arrest

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MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – September 26

A 37-year-old complainant reported she had been assaulted by a 66-year-old Marshfield woman. The complainant reported injuries which she did not have. The 66-year-old woman was spoken to and provided a very different version of events. The complainant has ceased cooperating and will not return any calls.

October 5

A manager at a local restaurant reported that a customer, later identified as a 45 year-old Marshfield female was upset due to a pizza order confusion. The female caused a verbal dispute with the manager and another employee. During this incident, one specific juvenile male that accompanied the female, caused a disturbance with the two employees, yelling multiple profanities towards them. The juvenile was issued a Disorderly Conduct citation.

October 9

Wood County Dispatch received a Tipsoft message from an anonymous female claiming she was being held captive in an upstairs bedroom by her ex-boyfriend for whom she provided only a first name. During the investigation officers learned the full name of the alleged suspect from a past complaint involving the same address. Officers checked the residence which is an upper/lower rental unit and found no one home upstairs; however, the landlord who lives in the lower unit stated a relative lives in the upper unit and she had never heard of the male we inquired about. The case is under investigation.

A traffic stop was conducted in the 1600 Block of N. Central Ave. A 23-year-old male passenger exited the car and ran from police. He was apprehended after a short foot pursuit and found two have two warrants for his arrest. Charges of identity theft, felony bail jumping, misdemeanor bail jumping and resisting are being requested through the Wood County District Attorney’s Office. The 17-year-old driver was issued citations for possession of THC and possession of drug paraphernalia.

October 11

An officer was asked to review a Clark County Case regarding a bail jumping charge for a male that was out on a Wood County Court bond. After review of the reports from Clark County, the officer requested charges for Bail Jumping referencing Wood County  Court cases.

October 13

Norwood staff requested officer assistance with a 55-year-old Marshfield male who made threats to fight if his court competency hearing did not go his way. After the competency hearing was completed and it was determined the male would be kept as an inpatient the male flipped a table and officers attempted to restrain the male. A struggle ensued but the male was ultimately restrained and left in the care of staff. An officer received treatment for an injury to their right wrist which occurred during the struggle. Charges for disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, and battery to a LE officer will be requested through the Wood Co DA’s Office.

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News Desk
Author: News Desk