Police Reports: Woman Receives Prank Letter


Marshfield Police Department Reports

1.24.2020 at 0824
Wood County Human Services were concerned with some statements that a male had made towards their department. The statements were threatening and intimidating in nature. Contact was made with the male who admitted that sometimes he gets upset and says things he doesn’t actually mean. The male was warned for his behavior and he agreed to stop. The male was notified that if he continues this behavior enforcement action may be taken.

1.24.2020 at 0807
A Marshfield man reported that he had been traveling westbound on E. 4th St. when an older, dark green Saturn traveling northbound on S. Maple Ave. failed to yield the right of way from the stop sign and struck the rear driver side quarter panel of his vehicle causing very minor damage. The man stated that the driver of the other vehicle did not stop. He did not see the driver and did not have any other information about the striking vehicle.

1.24.2020 at 2315
A 26-year-old Marshfield woman reported that the right tail lamp lens cover had been damaged by an unknown means while it was parked and unattended in the parking lot of Wal-Mart. This report is informational only at this time as it cannot be determined how the damage occurred.

1.25.2020 at 0700
A Marshfield man reported seeing an unknown white male wearing a black and dark blue hoodie sweatshirt rummaging through his unlocked vehicle on E. Becker Road. The man stated he yelled at the suspect and the suspect ran away. Attempts to locate the suspect were unsuccessful. The man stated that nothing was missing from his vehicle.

1.25.2020 at 0846

A woman residing on W. Leonhard Street reported she observed fresh footprints in the snow leading up to her vehicle. She stated papers and other miscellaneous items were moved around in the vehicle but nothing had been taken. She also noted she had left the vehicle unlocked. Shoe prints were photographed and are identical with another incident report.

1.25.2020 at 0851
A Marshfield man residing on W. Kalsched St. reported that an unknown person(s) entered his unlocked vehicle between 1.24.20 2045 and 1.25.20 0830 and stole his wallet which contained his Wisconsin Driver License, Social Security Card and medical insurance card. He stated that there was no cash or credit cards in his wallet.

1.25.2020 at 0952
A 31-year-old Marshfield woman reported a verbal altercation involving a 33-year-old Minnesota female over a custody exchange. Contact was made with all of the involved parties. The Minnesota female was warned for disorderly conduct and agreed to leave the premises.

1.28.2020 at 0021
A 28-year-old Marshfield male reported his 29-year-old girlfriend was strangled by the neighbor, a 27-year-old Marshfield male. The male was later taken into custody, booked and transported to the Wood County Jail. Charges of strangulation will be directed to the Wood County District Attorney’s Office.

1.28.2020 at 2156
A 30-year-old Thorp woman and a 39-year-old Greenwood man were arrested for possession of methamphetamine and drug paraphernalia following a traffic stop. During the traffic stop police canine Steffi alerted to the odor of a controlled substance coming from within the vehicle and officers then found a number of illegal items in the vehicle. Both subjects were transported to the Marshfield Police Department for booking procedures and then transported to the WOSO Jail. Charges are being requested through the Wood County DA.

1.30.20 at 1921
A Marshfield woman reported that she received a prank letter in the mail from an unknown individual. She stated along with the letter was fake money. She stated she wished to turn it over to the police department. The letter and fake money were placed into evidence.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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