Pool Study Feedback Needed


Parks & Recreation Department Hosts Survey

The Marshfield Parks & Recreation Department is considering replacing Hefko Pool with a new aquatic center and would like input regarding design and amenities that could possibly be included. A 13-member Pool Study Committee has devised a design, and is now gathering feedback from the public.

The Parks & Recreation Department is requesting input by taking a short survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Mfldpoolstudy

The deadline to take the survey is January 12, 2017.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Justin Casperson, Parks & Recreation Director, at 715-486-2042 or [email protected] .

News Desk
Author: News Desk


  1. I would rather see money spent on something for the kids to do during the summer than have the city put in a park where people just sit there city already has enough of those

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