Pop Culture Update: Bruce Springsteen DUI, Taylor Swift, and Alex Trebek

Carrie Gillaspie graphic with SuperBowl logo and Taylor Swift
Carrie Gillaspie

Carrie’s Pop Culture Update Featuring Springsteen, Swift, and Trebek

We’re back for another installment of Pop Cultured, a weekly show where I report the top pop culture news of the week worth knowing about.

This week started off slow on the pop culture front, but definitely picked up steam as the week went on!

Our first story this week is a recap of Super Bowl LV. I give a run down of the game, the halftime performance, and, of course, the commercials.

In story two, I try (key word being “try”) to unpack Bruce Springsteen and his recent DWI arrest even though some of the details are murky and more than a little strange.

Story three has me filling you in on Taylor Swift’s big announcement on GMA that she is soon releasing the re-recorded version of her sophomore album, Fearless.

In our fourth and final story I report on Jeopardy! and Alex Trebek’s decision to donate his suits from hosting the show to a wonderful charity to help those seeking jobs.

Last but not least. we wrap up with some congrats and condolences. Congrats include the reigning sexiest man alive celebrating a birthday, a TV icon turning 52, Green Bay Packers QB announcing some shocking news, and a baby boy being added to the Royal Family.

Condolences include the death of an Oscar Winner.

Without further ado, let’s get you Pop Cultured!

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Instagram: @carrie.gillaspie
Podcast Instagram: Candidly Speaking 


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