Pop Culture Update with Carrie – Aaron Rodgers, Lady Gaga, and more!

Carrie Gillaspie

We’re back for another installment of Pop Cultured, a weekly show where I report the top pop culture news of the week worth knowing about.

Our first story this week is an update on Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers and his whirlwind romance and engagement to actress Shailene Woodley. We also dive into Aaron’s recent revelation about his hopes to become a father.

In story two, we dive into an update about Lady Gaga’s stolen french bulldogs being returned safely, and the status of her dog walker who was shot.

Story three has us talking about Jonah Hill and his body positivity message after being photographed shirtless while surfing in California over the weekend.

In our last story of the week, we discuss Taylor Swift calling out Netflix after their new hit show Ginny and Georgia makes a “deeply sexist” joke at her expense.

Without further ado, let’s get you Pop Cultured!

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