Preliminary Hearing Held for Suspect Potentially Linked to Vasa Disappearance

Immerfall, photo courtesy of Wood County Sheriff's Dept

Wisconsin Rapids (OnFocus) – A preliminary hearing and arraignment was held in Wood County Circuit Court today for Jacob Immerfall.

The Marshfield man was arrested after law enforcement searched property on Patton Drive in the Town of Rock late last month. Evidence of potential human remains were found on the property. According to Wood County Sheriff Shawn Becker, his department executed a search warrant on the property because it is believed to be connected to missing Marshfield man, Zachary Vasa.

The court today found probable cause to believe that a felony was committed and that the defendant committed it. Bond was continued.

Jeffrey Foeckler, who was also arrested in connection with the case, waived his preliminary hearing and has an arraignment scheduled for August 24.

Immerfall is accused of Manufacturing/delivering amphetamine (<=3g) with conspiracy to commit, a Class F Felony. He also faces two Felony H charges – possession of drug paraphernalia to Compound, Convert, Produce, or Store Methamphetamine and for Knowingly Possessing Methamphetamine Waste.

A final pretrial is scheduled for November 24.

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