Premier Printing Graphic Designer Celebrates 15 Years with Local Business

premier printing marshfield wi
Kristen Aumann

Kristen Aumann Celebrating 15 Years of Graphic Design Career

MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – Kristen Aumann is celebrating 15 years at Premier Printing on April 16. The Loyal native has been a lifelong art lover, so pursuing a career in graphic design was the perfect fit.

“I loved art. I took every art class possible in school,” she said. “We had a really good counselor in high school and when I sat down with him during my senior year, I didn’t even realize graphic design existed on a computer. Loyal is a small town so you don’t always realize what’s all out there. I’ve loved graphic design ever since!”

Aumann’s guidance counselor told her about a graphic communications program at Northcentral Technical College, which she completed while working at Office Max in their digital department.

After graduation, one of the owners at Premier Printing called Aumann to see if she’d interview for a new graphic designer position. Fifteen years later, she’s still loving it.

“I really enjoy the people that I work with. We all get along as a family. It’s a small business, so you have to like the people you’re working with,” she said. “I also love that I’m constantly learning. There is a lot of new technology that comes along. People bring in what they want for a design and you want to make the customer happy. Sometimes, it’s a matter of learning how a different program works or watching videos on how to do certain things. Wherever they are finding it, it’s possible to do.”

“We’re so lucky to have Kristen and her talents on the Premier team,” said Lindsey Rasmussen, co-owner. “She is great at helping transform a customer’s vision into reality – and is just an awesome person overall.”

Having been with the business for so long, Aumann has done pretty much every aspect of the job – from design to screen printing to vinyl to assembly. Her favorite part is seeing her designs out in the community, especially in her hometown of Loyal.

“Being able to work for Loyal athletics has been really fun for me. Being able to do the designs for people I know really well is awesome,” she said. “It’s also great to see my designs out there. It’s actually getting even more fun because my kids are getting to be a part of stuff.”

Aumann is excited to see what the next 15 years brings and encourages anyone with an interest in a rewarding design career to consider a small business.

“I look forward to discovering what some new things that I’m going to be able to learn. I’m interested to see what we’ll be doing to make customers happy,” she said. “Working for a small business is a great spot to start. You’re not working with hundreds of people and everyone there is willing to help each other out.”

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