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Cloverbelt Conquers Cancer Basketball Fundraiser

Cloverbelt Conquers Cancer event at Columbus High School A unique fundraising initiative, Cloverbelt Conquers Cancer involves all nine member schools of the Eastern Cloverbelt conference working...

Marshfield Tiger Football 2017 Schedule Announced

Marshfield Tiger Football 2017 Schedule The Marshfield Tiger Football 2017 Schedule was announced via the team’s Facebook page earlier this week. Mark your calendars and...

Tax-Aide Program Provides Free Assistance

AARP Foundation Tax-Aide Program Supported By Volunteers A national program since 1968, the AARP Foundation Tax-Aide program has been assisting Marshfield area residents with preparing...

MAPS Pet of the Week: Hodor

Marshfield Area Pet Shelter Pet of the Week Submitted by Vicki Reidel, Marshfield Area Pet Shelter Volunteer Hodor came to us very scared and injured. One...

MACCI Partners with WMC on Washington, D.C. Fly-In

Marshfield Area Chamber of Commerce & Industry to Meet with Congressional Delegation and U.S. Chamber Submitted by Marshfield Area Chamber of Commerce & Industry Marshfield...

Meet Marshfield Area Groundwater Guardians

Groundwater Guardians Promote Groundwater Education and Preservation Access to clean, drinkable freshwater is something easily taken for granted in Central Wisconsin. Since 1997, Marshfield Area...

New Police Vehicle a Cost-Effective, Safe Investment

For a full 360 experience, click your mouse and drag over photo. [vrview img=”” ] Marshfield Police Department Evaluates Safety, Cost Before Vehicle Purchase Marshfield...

Marshfield School Bus Passings Increase at Alarming Rate

Marshfield Bus Service Concerned For Children’s Safety According to data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, from 2003 to 2012, 174 school-age children died in...

Dons’ Tyler Fuerlinger Just Shy of 1000th Career Point

Local Athlete Expected to Score 1000th Career Point This Weekend Tyler Fuerlinger came just short of scoring his 1000th career point for the Dons in...

Wood County Sheriff Featured Monthly on “Insight”

Insight Program Features Wood County Sheriff On the final Friday of every month, listeners and viewers can tune into Sheriff Tom Reichert via WDLB Radio...