HIXTON, WI (OnFocus) – ProVision Partners Cooperative has begun construction on a 100,000 ton capacity feed mill located next to their grain and agronomy facilities in Hixton, WI. This mill will join their locations in Auburndale, Stratford, Humbird, West Salem, and Seymour.
As a quality leader in manufactured feeds, ProVision mills boast a state-of-the-art milling system with mixers, roller grinder mills, a pellet mill, a bulk mineral plant and a corn steam flaker. The new Hixton mill will feature 32 overhead bins (1000 ton storage), 12 loadout bins for mixed feeds (250 ton), 2 mixing systems (one for bulk feeds and one for calf and heifer feeds), and a bag feed warehouse. It will be equipped with automation software and equipment.
Designed with the future in mind, the mill is being constructed with expansion capabilities for additional warehouse, overhead bins and additional commodity storage.
“This feed mill will be logistically located to better serve our western and southern region customers and will help improve delivery, mixing and labor efficiencies,” said Rob Larson, CEO and General Manager. “This will produce quality finished feed along with improved cost control.”
Efficiency and improved employee working conditions are also at the forefront of this new project.
“Located next to the Hixton grain site means easy access to grain that will be conveyed to the feed mill, resulting in a lower cost of production,” said Larson. “It will also have easy access to 1-94 that will connect to other major highways or county roads for delivery purposes. Additionally, we’ll be able to share labor with grain and agronomy.”
The new feed mill will be able to comply with mandated state and federal regulations, in which older facilities are challenged to fulfill their obligations.
To learn more, visit www.ProVisionPartners.Coop
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