Submitted to OnFocus – ProVision Partners Cooperative has named their Employees of the Month. Congratulations go out to Kurt from Auburndale Agronomy and Kaitlin Dolesy, from the Hixton C-Store.
Kurt is the Swiss army knife of the cooperative, as he has the ability to work in three different sectors of the company: Grain, Agronomy, and Energy. During the bean harvest, the cooperative was in need of someone to run the Stratford location during a vacation of the main location manager. Kurt stepped up to take his place without any disruption in the operation and then continued to run the location through most weekends during the month. Thanks, Kurt, for all your efforts during the month and being part of a successful grain season!
Kaitlin was nominated by Tony Lein, one of Provision Partners Board Members, for her dedication to serving the patrons of the cooperative. Multiple times, Tony has observed Kaitlin going above and beyond to make the parking lot safe for these patrons by shoveling snow or other debris cleaning. Her commitment to safety is one of the value tenants of the cooperative. Thanks, Kaitlin, for all your efforts in serving our patrons!
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