Provision Partners Works to Keep Feed Costs Down


Feed is one of the greatest expenses for area dairy farmers, and ProVision Partners Coop works hard to keep costs down.

“We do that by working with preferred suppliers that always deliver high quality ingredients for the best price,” said Howard Hoffman, Feed Division Manager, Feed Sales Manager. “Inbound ingredients are received by rail and by truck. The savings of rail transportation are very significant, and we pass those savings along to the producers.”

Making use of local ingredients, such as corn distillers and Exceller meal, also helps.

“We haul corn to the local ethanol plants and haul corn distillers back to the mill,” said Hoffman. “We do the same with soybeans to a roasting plant and haul Exceller meal back to the mill.”

All inbound ingredients are tested monthly for nutritional quality. Corn is tested bi-monthly for nutritional and processing quality, as well as mycotoxin testing.

Travelers on Highway 10 will notice the huge grain bins behind the new Cenex gas station near Auburndale. This new state-of-the-art feed mill ensures proper mixing and exact measurement of ingredients.

“Our team of eight nutritionists use a state-of-the-art ration software that balances the cow’s rations for essential amino acids, fatty acid profiles, along with the vitamins and minerals to maximize cow health,” said Hoffman. “The ration software actually balances for ‘best cost’ rations. This means high quality, high performance rations at the very best cost. Best cost includes maximizing home grown feedstuffs to keep the cost of purchased feed down.”

Ultimately, these efforts reflect back in cost savings for local producers.

“The goal is to maximize the dairy producers income over their feed cost,” said Hoffman. “We see it as our responsibility to help all of our customers meet their particular goals and to be as profitable as they desire to be.”

ProVision Partners Involved from Seed To Feed

MACCI Ribbon Cutting at Provision Partners New C-Store

News Desk
Author: News Desk