Public Encouraged to be Mindful of Fallen Trees Across Sidewalks

fallen trees marshfield
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MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – Due to heavy ice and snow build up on tree branches, several tree limbs have snapped off covering sidewalks throughout out the city of Marshfield. Please stay away from any fallen trees and/or wires for your own safety.

If a tree is located on your property that has fallen down and crosses the sidewalk, it’s the responsibility of the property owner to make sure the tree isn’t blocking the sidewalk. If the tree is located on the terrace and it falls down, it’s the responsibility of the City.  A terrace means the portion of any street right-of-way lying between the roadway edge of the public sidewalk or trail, if any, and the curb or the shoulder of the traveled roadway. If there is no sidewalk or trail, the terrace includes the entire area from the property line to the curb or the shoulder of the traveled roadway.

According to the Marshfield Utilities Customer Connections newsletter, if you see a tree that is a potential hazard, contact MU at 715-387-1195 for an assessment. If you have a tree on your property near power lines that you plan to cut down call MU to have the lines dropped. Requests must be received at least 24 hours before the service is needed.

Please be patient as it will take time for City crews to cleanup down trees. If you have a tree on the terrace that has fallen down, you can report the issue using our citizens concerns section located on the City website, here.

  • Submitted by City of Marshfield

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