Public Input Wanted on a Proposed Backyard Chicken Ordinance in the City

a local chicken/stock image

MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – The City of Marshfield is looking into allowing residents to have backyard chickens on their property, but before any decision is made, the Plan Commission is seeking public input. A proposed ordinance would allow up to four chickens on a single-family lot, provided the property owners secure the required license and abide by specific regulations.

At the next Plan Commission meeting on Tuesday, May 16, at 7 PM., in City Hall, members of the Commission will review and consider input gathered from citizens regarding the proposal. The feedback received will help the Commission members provide a recommendation to the City’s Common Council.

“Getting public comment on this topic is vital in this decision, because this will help us gauge resident support for allowing backyard chickens in the city. So, we are opening up an online survey to get clear data to provide the Commission,” said City Administrator Steve Barg.

An online survey is now available through Friday, May 12, 2023, at, said Tom Loucks, the City’s Communications Director.

In addition to the survey, we are asking citizens to share their comments or concerns by e-mail regarding this issue to [email protected] or send a letter to his attention at City Hall, 207 West 6th Street, Marshfield, WI 54449.

And, as always, we provide citizens a time to speak during the “public comment” period to voice their concerns on this issue with the Commission at its May 16th meeting, after which the Commission may schedule the ordinance for a vote at the June 20, 2023 meeting, if formal consideration is deemed appropriate. 

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