Puppies Rescued from Trash Can Safe in Foster Care


Eight newborn puppies who were rescued from a trash can on Feb. 28 are now safe in foster care through Marshfield Area Pet Shelter.

β€œAll the puppies are healthy and growing. They will be adoptable in two months and will need wonderful homes at that time,” Kaitlin Loberg, shelter manager.

The puppies were discovered by salesman Mark Theobald, who was visiting a home on E. 4th Street in Marshfield when he heard crying.

“I thought they were cats,” he said. β€œI thought between the cold wind and snow, I’d check on them.”

He opened the trash can and looked inside. One of the bags was moving. His employer called Marshfield Ordinance, who came and rescued the puppies from the garbage bag they’d been abandoned in and turned their care over to MAPS.

β€œWe are thankful the puppies were found when they were thanks to the quick actions of the person who discovered them and the police department,” said Karen Rau, volunteer MAPS Director.

β€œI’m just glad that someone has the resources to care for them to take care of them correctly,” said Mark. β€œI don’t get why somebody would do that, but I’m glad I found them.”

Puppy chow and cash donations are needed for the care of the puppies. More information can be found at www.marshfieldpetshelter.org/donate.

Puppies Found in Garbage Bag

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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