Quality Roofing Relies on Teamwork for Extensive Standing Seam Metal Roof

metal roof standing seam

Standing Seam Metal Roof Requires All Hands on Deck

WAUSAU, WI (OnFocus) – Quality Roofing crews have been hard at work on a new facility for Wausau Drinking Water. The 40,000 square foot standing seam metal roof has been a team effort, with a team of ten assisting on any given day.

Last fall, QRI completed the insulating and ice/water protection for the roof before mother nature arrived with snow. Now, they are putting the finishing touches on the roof by installing the standing seam.

“Other than it being a pretty large standing seam roof, there isn’t a lot out of the ordinary with it,” said Lucas Kramer, project manager. “They are pretty long panel runs so we’re hoisting the machine above the roof with the crane, which is unique.”

Quality Roofing’s sheet metal team is assisting with the project because of the long panel runs involved.

“With standing seam roofs, they are usually on a sloped application so you can see it from the ground. This is why they choose something that is a little more decorative. You can pick and choose your colors, rather than just putting a black roof up there,” said Kramer, adding that he is impressed with the teamwork on this project.

“I’m proud of the guys and the production they’ve shown to this point,” he said.

To learn more about standing seam roofs and how Quality Roofing can help as your commercial roofer, visit them online at www.QRoof.com

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