Rackow Family Sausage Issues Class I Recall for Summer Sausage Products


Rackow Family Sausage in Juda, WI, is issuing a voluntary Class I recall for five summer sausage products sold at its store.

Class 1 Definition: This is a health hazard situation where there is a reasonable probability that the use of the product will cause serious, adverse health consequences or death.

The recall includes the following:

  • All Beef pepper cheese summer sausage with garlic and jalapenos, 0.9-lb. packages
  • All Beef pepper cheese summer sausage with garlic, green olives and jalapenos, 0.9-lb. packages
  • All Beef pepper cheese summer sausage with garlic, 0.9-lb. packages
  • All Beef pepper cheese summer sausage with garlic, jalapenos and green olives, 0.9-lb. packages
  • All Beef cheddar cheese summer sausage with garlic, 0.9-lb. packages

This is a Class I recall, initiated based on evidence collected during a routine inspection by state inspectors. Evidence shows that the products were produced without the benefit of inspection by state officials as required by law for meat products. More information on the U.S. Department of Agriculture recall classifications is available below and on USDA’s website at https://www.fsis.usda.gov.

No illnesses have been reported as a result of consuming these products. Anyone with signs or symptoms of a foodborne illness should contact their doctor. Consumers who have any of these products can return them to the original place of purchase or discard them. Consumers and media with questions about this recall can contact Jim Rackow, Rackow Family Sausage, at (608) 325-4547.

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News Desk
Author: News Desk

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