missing weston woman
Tara Sullivan

Authorities continue to seek answers, clues leading to Tara Sullivan’s whereabouts

WESTON, WI (OnFocus) – Since the April 19, 2023 announcement that 47-year-old Tara Jane Sullivan of Weston was missing, law enforcement has conducted numerous ground, drone and K9 searches, examined multiple leads, and processed several pieces of evidence in hopes it would lead them to Tara, or a better understanding of the circumstances around her disappearance. Despite everyone’s best efforts, no significant developments have been reached in the case.

“It’s been incredibly difficult for our investigators to pinpoint the reason for Tara’s disappearance,” shared Captain of Investigations Jeff Stefonek of the Marathon County Sheriff’s Office. “It remains unclear if Tara was experiencing a mental health crisis, was abducted, or left under her own will. Regardless of the reason, we hope Tara returns home safely in the end.”

Sullivan’s disappearance was deemed to be suspicious in nature to due to the damage discovered at her home on Tuesday, April 18, when deputies from the Marathon County Sheriff’s Office went to her residence to return a lost cellphone. Upon arrival, deputies found substantial damage to the home’s garage door caused by a vehicle backing through the door while exiting the garage. Additionally, the scattered locations of her possessions have continued to add complexity to her disappearance.

Sullivan is described to be approximately 5’ 7” tall, 128 pounds, with green eyes. Her current hair color and clothing description is unknown. She is known to be without her vehicle, cellphone, and purse, including her identification, credit cards, and cash.

“The support we’ve received in getting the word out about Tara’s disappearance from communities across the state has been remarkable,” shared Captain Stefonek. “In the coming days, our investigators will continue to review digital evidence from her cellphone and vehicle in an effort to better understand the circumstances around her disappearance and follow-up on any new information we receive. We ask that the community continue to keep an eye out and share any new tips or information with our office.”

Anyone who knows Sullivan well, or has had recent contact with her is encouraged to call the Marathon County Sheriff’s Office at 715-261-1200, option 5, to speak with an investigator. If you see Tara or know of her whereabouts, please call 9-1-1 so that law enforcement can verify her safety.

While the investigation into Sullivan’s disappearance will continue, this will be the last update in the case until there are significant developments to report. The Marathon County Sheriff’s Office appreciates the assistance of the Everest-Metro Police Department and the Shawano County Sheriff’s Office throughout this case. Any future developments in this case will be posted to the Marathon County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page.

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