Recent Telephone Scam Targeting Older Adults


CLARK COUNTY, WI (OnFocus) – The Clark County Sheriff’s Office has been made aware of recent scam activity in the county. Some of these con-artists sound very professional and have well thought out scams but are defrauding hundreds of people daily.

One of the recent scams that have been reported to the Clark County Sheriff’s Office include:

A person calls and tells you that they are your child or grandchild, is currently out of the state, was involved in an accident and needs money. The individual knows family members names and is very convincing.

The individual then gives the phone to another person who claims they are an attorney representing the family member. They say that because your family member was at fault for the accident, they will be charged in court and need money to get out of jail.

It’s evident the scammers do research and know information about you. If someone calls you about a family member needing money, get a call back number and verify the whereabouts of the person. Be very cautious about anyone asking for money and requesting it be sent via FedEx or express mail.

In the event that you, or anyone you know fall victim to a scam you should record the following information:

  • Victim’s name, address, telephone, and email
  • Financial transaction information (e.g., account information, transaction date and amount, who received the money)
  • Date and time of incident
  • Subject’s name, address, telephone, email, website, and IP address
  • Email header(s)
  • Any other relevant information you believe is necessary that may be relevant to that incident

If you believe that you or someone you know has been scammed or have received these types of scams, please contact your local law enforcement agency or the Clark County Sheriff’s Office at 800-743-2420. If you have been scammed over the internet, please contact the Federal Bureau of Investigation Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) at to file a report.

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News Desk
Author: News Desk

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