Registration Opens for Wisconsin Rapids Schools Summer School Program

WRPS Summer School

Wisconsin Rapids (OnFocus) –

Message from WRPS:

WRPS is excited to offer appropriate instruction during the summer at both the elementary and secondary levels! We believe Summer School should be an integral part of the overall school program which offers a balance of options to support academic, enrichment, or remedial needs of the pupils residing in the Wisconsin Rapids attendance area. Registration is open to all pupils; however, entrance requirements (such as grade level prerequisites) may be imposed for certain classes, and attendance in other courses such as in cases of remedial coursework, may be required for individual pupils.

We are excited to announce an expanded 4K offering for this summer, as well as additional middle school enrichment courses!  Most 4K-8 courses will be hosted at the Wisconsin Rapids Area Middle School this summer – check out the course book for more details!   COVID-19 precautionary measures will continue into Summer School in similar fashion as during the regular school year.  These measures include:  wearing face coverings, remaining physically distant to the greatest extent possible, washing hands frequently, and staying home when sick.  See page 3 of the course booklet for more details.

The 2021 4K – 8th Grade Summer School Book is now available at the link below.

Registration opens on April 5th.


If your student attends WRPS you need to register for summer school, swim, gymnastics, and tennis in Skyward Family Access. 

Instructions are in the Summer School book linked below.  

Summer School Registration Instructions and Course Descriptions:

 Non-WRPS Students (students who attend a different district or a private school) can register using the following links:

(See booklet above for course descriptions and times offered.)

For questions regarding Summer Courses, contact:


We welcome your stories! Contact us at [email protected]!

David Keech
Author: David Keech

David Keech is a retired teacher and works as a sportswriter, sports official and as an educational consultant. He has reported on amateur sports since 2011, known as 'KeechDaVoice.' David can be reached at [email protected]