Rep. Bob Kulp Named Chair of the Dyslexia Study Committee


State Senator Patty Schachtner named Vice-Chair

OnFocus: Representative Bob Kulp (R, Stratford) has been named chair of the Study Committee of Identification and Management of Dyslexia. This study committee will oversee many meetings throughout the summer of 2018 in order to ready policy proposals for the next legislative session.

“I am proud to have been named chair of this study committee,” said Rep. Bob Kulp. “I look forward to working with State Senator Patty Schachtner on improving what our state offers K-12 students who have dyslexia. There is plenty we can do. Multiple proposals have been offered in the past that did not get the attention they deserved.”

Kulp called the study committee a serious investment in educational policy and praised the Joint Committee on Legislative Council for approving it.

“I’m very excited for these public meetings,” he said. “There’s so much to bring to the public’s attention on this topic. There’s a lot of excitement about this committee already, just a couple days after the announcement.”

Below is the Study Committee on Identification and Management of Dyslexia mission statement:

“The Study Committee is directed to review current screening, identification, school intervention, and treatment protocols for dyslexia in K-12 schools; to examine the effects of current state statutes and regulations on literacy outcomes for students with dyslexia; and to evaluate the effects of dyslexia on literacy outcomes in the state.

The committee shall study recent research on evidence-based instructional techniques for students with dyslexia; determine the components and costs of successful dyslexia education practices and laws in other states; and identify institutional obstacles to academic attainment for these students.

The committee shall consider legislation to implement screening for characteristics of dyslexia in early grades; to ensure that reading instruction and intervention practices incorporate relevant research findings from the University of Wisconsin; to improve the partnership between parents, educators, counselors, and others on early identification and effective interventions for dyslexic learners; and to enhance statewide access to updated resources and training on dyslexic education.”

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Author: News Desk