Rep. Kulp Praises Terry Moulton’s Service

Terry Moulton (contributed photo)

Senator Moulton’s Career has Spanned 14 Years

OnFocus – Madison, WI: Rep. Bob Kulp released the following statement on the retirement of Senator Terry Moulton.

“Terry has always been a great mentor to me during my time in the Wisconsin State Assembly. His deep devotion to God has been shown through his public service to his friends and neighbors. He will be sorely missed.”

Terry is a small business owner of Mouldy’s Archery and Tackle shop and is a fishing tackle manufacturer. He was first elected to the Wisconsin State Assembly in 2004. He was elected to the Wisconsin State Senate since 2010.

“I’m proud to call him my State Senator. Wisconsin is a better place because of his leadership in the State Legislature for the last 14 years.”

-Submitted to FOCUS by Rep. Bob Kulp

News Desk
Author: News Desk