Replacement Sought for Wenzel Family Plaza Event Coordinator

Wenzel Family Plaza

The Wenzel Family Plaza Committee is searching for a new Event Coordinator after the resignation of Mark Davis, whose last day was November 26.

“I look at lot of events I was able to put on at the plaza with a lot of satisfaction and pride,” said Davis, who started his duties last May and oversaw the grand opening of the downtown space in July.

“You can only do one grand opening for the Plaza,” he said, reflecting on the chance to meet the Wenzel family as ‘a huge honor.’ “It was a great success. It was the largest turnout we had. There’s always a chance for it to get even better.”

Davis has nothing negative to say about his time, saying he enjoyed what he did but the position wasn’t a right fit. He believes the groundwork laid this year will allow events to continue to grow and expand once warm weather returns.

“It’s always a rocky start when it’s brand new and there’s no prior precedent, but I think we had a very good start and it’ll only get better,” said Davis.

“Mark is a great guy and we’re excited for whatever endeavors he goes onto,” said Executive Director Kaelie Gomez, Main Street Marshfield.

The Wenzel Family Plaza Committee, made up of contributors from the City of Marshfield, Marshfield Convention and Visitors Bureau, Main Street Marshfield, MACCI, and Chestnut Center for the Arts, will oversee his replacement.

The job posting of “Plaza Director” is currently available on and the committee will begin reviewing candidates next Wednesday. Ideal candidates should have a Bachelor’s Degree in Hospitality Management, Marketing or a related field and a minimum of two years of event management experience.

Wenzel Family Plaza Settles In


Main Street Marshfield Announces New Plaza Event Coordinator

News Desk
Author: News Desk