Representative Bob Kulp Will Not Seek Reelection

Bob Kulp

Wisconsin 69th Assembly’s Bob Kulp Will Not Run in 2020

“I will not be running for re-election in 2020,” Representative Bob Kulp wrote to his Facebook followers on Thursday afternoon. “It has been one of the great honors of my lifetime to serve my friends and neighbors in the State Assembly and to represent the 69th District. I’ve enjoyed doing that for six years. I’ve learned a lot personally, grown in every human way imaginable, but now it’s time to make way for someone new to bring their best to this job.”

Elected to the State Assembly in November 2013 in a special election and reelected every election since 2014, Kulp’s current term will conclude in January 2021.

“I never set out to make this a ‘career’, and have always had a great admiration for public servants who knew when to step back and let others pick up the torch,” he wrote. “I have no doubt that the 69th District will continue to be represented by someone who reflects its values.”

Kulp added that he is looking forward to spending more time with his growing family and business, Kulp’s of Stratford, a local roofing, insulation, and specialty sheet metal installation Kulp founded in 1987.

“My family and my faith has also taken a bigger slice of my consciousness recently, and I look forward to dedicating even more time there,” he wrote. “My business, which has been successfully led by my dedicated and effective management team, will also see more of me. I’m looking forward to taking those things closest to me to the next level!”

Kulp has chaired the Dyslexia Study Committee, Transportation Committee, and others. In his spare time, he enjoys world travel and sharing his adventures through photography.

He concluded his message with a commitment to his constituents.

“I have nearly one year left in this current term, and I expect to finish as strong and I will continue to intercede and advocate on behalf of the people in the 69th Assembly District until January 2021!”

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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