Resident Collects Food Donations for Each Year of Life

Trisha Mayer poses by Thursday's collection. Another pile at her home is ready to be donated to Soup or Socks.

Donations Benefit Soup or Socks

For her 37th birthday this August, Marshfield resident Trisha Mayer decided to do something special.

Her idea: to collect donations for Soup or Socks, a local food pantry and clothes closet she had started volunteering for, from thirty-seven donors to represent each year of her life, starting with the most needed items: chicken noodle soup and spaghetti sauce. By afternoon on Thursday, less than a week after sharing her idea on Facebook, Mayer was up to thirty-four donors and has already dropped off three full cartloads at the pantry, with much more to come.

“The response from donors has been amazing. Each and every donor has told me about how happy they are to see everyone’s response!” said Mayer.

One donor celebrated his own birthday by donating 38 food items. Two more teamed up to fill an entire cart with groceries, and walked it over to Mayer’s workplace, Weiler’s.

Donors have even come from beyond Marshfield, including Nebraska, Washington, North Rim of the Grand Canyon, Minnesota, Eau Claire and Marathon City. Those not visiting in person have helped out from afar by making use of Wal-Mart and Target’s grocery curbside pick-up service.

“Many expressed that they are glad they now know about Soup or Socks because they didn’t before,” said Mayer.

Thursday’s collection – so far.

She is now collecting baking items such as mixes, canned or boxed potatoes, and canned fruit. Donations can be big or small, and every bit helps.

“Right now the pantry is low on almost everything. We have seen a 40% increase in need, but the donations have not kept up with that increase,” said Cheryl Lewis Hartl, Soup or Socks Director. “Trisha is a volunteer for SOS and a star advocate!”

Items go right on the shelves or into storage, and allow Soup or Socks to stretch donated dollars further. “We would not be able to help the amount of families we do, without donations,” added Lewis Hartl. “We also enjoy educating people about SOS, so if they are in need or know someone who is, they know where to go.”

Though Mayer is almost to her goal, she is happy to keep accepting donations. Items can be dropped off at Weiler’s on North Central or anytime at Soup or Socks.

Update: Mayer has surpassed her goal but will continue collecting until her birthday on August 8.


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