Residents Invited to Attend Public Meeting Regarding Taxi Service


Mayor’s Office Welcome Concerns and Questions about Marshfield Taxi Service

Next Tuesday, the Mayor’s Office will host a public meeting about the City’s taxi service. With the goal of addressing resident’s questions and concerns, as well as educating on the limitations of the current system due to federal/state funding, the meeting will be both informational and an opportunity for discussion.

“Since 2014, Marshfield’s Taxi service [Running, Inc] has experienced significant growth, growing from around 80,000 rides in 2013 to over 100,000 in 2016,” explained Mayor Chris Meyer. “This was all done within the restrictions of the grant that funds this service and without increases in costs.”

Because the taxi service in Marshfield is funded with State and Federal grant dollars and the funds for this service have not increased in the last several years while ridership has skyrocketed, this has created challenges.

“This has put pressure on the service as riders are experiencing longer wait times,” said Meyer. “We are working with the provider of this service, Running Inc., to look at solutions in the next grant award, but until then, need to absorb this increased volume within the same budget.”

Members of the City and Running, Inc will be present and all are welcome and encouraged to attend. No RSVP is needed.

“We are hoping that this will be a very informative session to help people understand how the system works and why we have longer wait times now, as well as helping riders know what they should expect from this service,” said Meyer.

For those unable to attend the meeting and wishing to express concerns, there are two options in which to do so:

1) On the City webpage, there is a form which can be filled out. Once it is submitted, that form gets sent to the City and Running, Inc. employees. Someone from Running, Inc. will be in contact to address the concern. Click here for form.

2) Residents can call the Mayor’s Office at 715-384-2919 and speak with Amy Krogman regarding any concerns.

The Taxi meeting will be held beginning at 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 13, 2017 at the Felker Family Genealogy and Local History Room, Everett Roehl Marshfield Public Library. Please direct any questions to Amy Krogman at 715-384-2919 or [email protected]

News Desk
Author: News Desk