Results of National Guard Testing in Marshfield


Wisconsin Rapids, WI – On Tuesday, June 2, the National Guard assisted the Wood County Health Department to provide community testing in Marshfield for individuals experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 and frontline workers with or without symptoms.

The Wisconsin State Emergency Operation Center and National Guard were instrumental in both making this testing available and administering the tests. The health department extends their gratitude to the National Guard and other community partners who assisted in planning, implementing, and promoting the testing site.

Over the course of the day, 187 people were tested and results have been processed on the majority of these tests. Two new positive cases were identified through the Marshfield drive-through testing, both in neighboring counties of Clark and Marathon.

Two additional Wood County positives have been identified over the past two days through a local health system bringing the total cases for Wood County to 12. As of Friday, a total of 2,441 Wood County residents have now been tested for COVID-19. Three of the 12 positive cases are still active, are asymptomatic, and are isolating at home. Eight have recovered and one is deceased.

For a current listing of community testing sites visit If you have questions or immediate needs related to COVID-19, call United Way’s 2-1-1 or text COVID-19 to 211211. For up-to-date information, please visit the Wood County Health Department website and Facebook page.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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