Rib Lake/Prentice, Medford take team titles at Timm’s Hill Cross Country Meet


Rib Lake/Prentice Boys and Medford Girls take team titles at the Timm’s Hill Cross Country Meet. Gavin Stewart of Ladysmith took the boy’s individual title, while Meredith Richter of Medford took the girl’s individual title.

Boys Top 10

Place Name School Time
1 Gavin Stewart Ladysmith 17:09
2 Gavin Esterholm Phillips 17:53
3 Maverick Hoogland Phillips 18:05
4 Tanner Hraby Medford 18:25
5 Kaleb Scott Rib Lake/Prentice 18:52
6 Dakota Nelson Flambeau 18:58
7 Andrew Schaer Athens 19:03
8 Luke Schraufnagel Thorp 19:20
9 Nolan Posewitz Ladysmith 19:38
10 Nicholas Pittman Athens 19:41

Boys Team Rankings

Place School Score
1 Rib Lake/Prentice 43
2 Phillips 55
3 Medford 65
4 Athens 82
5 Thorp 120

Girls Top 10

Place Name School Time
1 Meredith Richter Medford 20:48
2 Shaylie Zarza Thorp 22:11
3 Leah Harper Phillips 22:27
4 Lindsey Kahn Medford 22:31
5 Ella Daniels Medford 22:51
6 Meredith Merlak Phillips 22:52
7 Marika Gago Ladysmith 23:09
8 Brianna Sheahan Athens 23:45
9 Sarah Knaack Phillips 24:02
10 Caitlynn BeBeau Butternut 24:05

Girls Team Scores

Place School Score
1 Medford 29
2 Phillips 45
3 Ladysmith 83
4 Thorp 103
5 Abbotsford 113

Full results can be found here.

Steven Okonek
Author: Steven Okonek