ROAD CLOSURE: Closure of Adler Rd. at Columbus Dr.


Starting on Thursday, Sept. 6, 2018, the City of Marshfield – Street Division will be repairing the street at Adler Rd. and Columbus Dr. The repair will take about 10 to 14 days to complete. Adler Rd. will remain closed at Columbus Dr. during this time. The repair will consist of the Street Division repairing the concrete underneath the street surface. Once the concrete is repaired, waiting a few days for the concrete to reach required strength, then American Asphalt will overlay the concrete patch with asphalt to complete the street repair.

The City of Marshfield will be providing a detour for the street repair at Adler Rd. and Columbus Dr. The detour will be posted on the following streets:
Adams Ave.
5th Street
Lincoln Ave.

Access to adjacent properties will be maintained. Any questions or concerns please contact the Street Division @ 715-486-2080

Dean A. Schiller
Street Superintendent
City of Marshfield
[email protected]

News Desk
Author: News Desk