Rocket News: 2nd Graders Improve Reading Skills


Rocket News – What an unusual winter. The students would love some snow to play in at recess! They make the most of it and still have fun. We researched interesting facts about snow even if there isn’t much snow on the ground around here. Did you know that the biggest snowflake was the size of a penny? We made snowflakes using pieces of waxed paper.

We are enjoying our new math program. We are using the story of Jack and the Beanstalk to think through our measuring. Some things we measure in giant size! We know how to add bigger numbers. We need to work on our subtracting!

Our big skill right now in reading is comprehension. Our reading incentive program involves choosing different genres of books. We get to read a variety of books this way. We are getting better at retelling what the stories have been about. We were reading about forces in our readers this week, so we pulled in a roller coaster challenge that they are having fun with. We enjoyed reading and writing some poems. We wrote a Bio poem about ourselves and drew our self-portrait. They are very creative.

We are busy with our midyear testing. We will be glad when it is done, but it is fun seeing our scores rise. We have learned so much in second grade. Soon we will be halfway done with this school year. Boy, does the time go fast!

– Submitted by the Second Grade teachers:
Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Bissonette, Mrs. Guenther

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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