Rutschow Earns Eagle Scout Rank

Submitted photo

Marshfield, WI (OnFocus) Matthew Rutschow has achieved the rank of Eagle Scout after spearheading a project to repaint the 63-foot bridge at Marshfield School Forest.

Matthew Rutschow

A 6-year member of Boy Scout Troop 382 and a senior at Marshfield High School, Matthew led a team of 20 scouts, parents, and volunteers, which also cleared the surrounding forest area, dock, and shelter of any garbage, overall committing above 100 hours.

An outdoor lover, especially of hunting and fishing, Matthew was inspired to complete the project while taking a wildlife course. Teacher and school forest director Mark Zee mentioned to him that little work had been done to the bridge since the ‘90s and no one wanted to use it.

The completion of the project will encourage use of the bridge and school forest by the community, as well as protect the bridge from the elements.

Matthew is the son of Brian and Cathleen Rutschow of Marshfield. His grandparents are Robert and Nancy Rutschow of Whitehall, WI and George and Marian Altmann from New Ulm, MN.

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Before project completion. Submitted photo.

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