Saturday: Get Rid of Harmful Household Chemicals at Clean Sweep


Wood County Agricultural and Household Clean Sweep Saturday, September 7th

Wood County, calling all homeowners, renters, and farmers. Do you have unused or old chemicals you want to eliminate? The Wood County Agricultural and Household Clean Sweep will occur on Saturday, September 7, 2024, from 8 a.m. until noon at the Saratoga Town Hall,  1120 State Hwy—73 in Wisconsin Rapids.

Clean Sweep is a voluntary program for legally and safely disposing hazardous waste from homes, farms, and businesses. Households and farms can dispose of hazardous waste without charge; however, quantities are restricted. Businesses and schools can use Clean Sweep to dispose of unwanted chemicals quickly and at a low cost. To obtain a free, no-obligation disposal estimate, contact Colin Barrington by email or call 262-875-7014.

Click to download the Clean Sweep brochure here.

Why should you participate?
Hazardous chemicals can cause health, safety, or environmental problems. Chemicals improperly stored or disposed of can pollute lakes, rivers, and drinking water.

Examples of acceptable materials for Clean Sweep

  • Auto: brake fluid, degreasers, ether, old fuel, and transmission fluid.
  • Lawn, Garden & Farm: fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, and rodenticides.
  • Household: drain cleaner, dry cleaning fluid, floor polish, metal cleaners, mildew cleaner, mothballs, nail polish remover, NiCad batteries, oven cleaner, photography chemicals, pool chemicals, silver polish, and spot remover.
  • Workshop: creosote, gun cleaning fluid, hobby materials, lacquer, lead-based paints, stripper, thinner/solvents, turpentine, varnish, and wood preservatives.

Examples of materials not accepted for Clean Sweep
Anti-freeze, appliances, automotive batteries, electronics, explosives, fluorescent tubes, and high-pressure cylinders.

Extension Wood County Office 715-421-8440 or Wood County Health Department 715-421-8911 or  715-387-8646.

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News Desk
Author: News Desk

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