School Behavioral Health Grants Open for Applicants


OnFocus–  Schools can now apply for Security Health Plan’s b.e.s.t. grant

Security Health Plan of Wisconsin, Inc. is investing in school-based behavioral health grants for the 2018-19 school year in an effort to promote the behavioral health and well-being of young children in local communities.

Security Health Plan is proud to partner with Mindfield LLC to help identify behavioral health issues among local school children. Evidence shows that behavioral health is critical to many aspects of learning and development.

“Early identification of behavioral health issues and accompanying intervention help students thrive both in and beyond the classroom,” said Manager of Community Benefits Allison Machtan.

The b.e.s.t. (Behavioral Emotional Social Traits) universal screening is a tool designed to help teachers identify behavioral, emotional and social health and risk factors in school-aged children. The online screening provides a way to measure behavioral observations and assists school personnel to connect students in need with resources and support.

After students complete the online screening, teachers receive immediate recommendations. These universal interventions help students who are considered at-risk or in need of additional assistance as well as all other children in the classroom.

The screening has been used in school districts throughout Wisconsin and states across the country, with 69,000 students screened to date. Recipients of the grant will be provided with technical support, bi-annual screenings for students, training as well as consultation and support.

Any school district within Security Health Plan’s service area is welcome to apply. However, the grant will only be awarded to 50 school districts. Applications are due by Friday, Sept. 14, at 5 p.m.

Interested applicants may complete the online application here. Questions regarding the b.e.s.t. grant may be directed to Allison Machtan at [email protected] or 715-221-9872.

News Desk
Author: News Desk