The Marshfield Board of Education set the calendar for the 2019-2020 school year. The approved calendar sets the first day of school on September 3rd, winter break is December 23rd to January 1st, spring break is March 30 to April 3rd, and the last day of school is June 5th.
Graduation is tentatively set for June 2, the weekend after Memorial Day, but board members raised concerns over graduation being on a Sunday.
“When we moved it up to Memorial Day Weekend, the goal was to push it to Sunday because the Dairyfest parade is on Saturday that same weekend. There are other state tournaments that are finals and regionals that same Saturday,” said Nathan Delany, Marshfield High School Athletic Director.
The board approved the calendar but sent the date of graduation back to the committee for further discussion.
In other action, the board recognized Nathan Delany for being named the District 2 Athletic Director of the Year and elected as Vice-President of the Wisconsin Athletic Directors Association.
The Board also approved the sale of one acre of land in the Town of Rock to an individual. The school district was unaware that they owned the land as the original ownership predates the creation of the Marshfield Unified School District. The board approved the sale of the acre of land 5-0 with two board members absent.
The next meeting of the school board is on December 12th at 7:30 PM at the Marshfield School District Office.