School District of Marshfield Make-Up Plan


The School District of Marshfield Annouces Make-up Plan

The Marshfield School District on Thursday annouced their make-up plan for 2018-2019.

The memo stated:

Please understand that this make-up plan is based on there being no additional school closures this school year. If we need to close again, the District will need to make additional adjustments. For example, we will almost certainly have to extend the school year into the week of June 10th, if we have another closure.

Plans are listed reverse chronological order:

  • Friday, June 7th will be a full-day with students and the last day of school for 2018-2019
  • Thursday, June 6th will be a full-day with students
  • Botht early dismissal days in April will be changed to full days with students (April 5th and 19th)
  • Lunch periods at the high school will be shortended by 5 minutes per day starting on February 25th

Based on these adjustments, and if we have no additional closures, we will have met the required instructional minutes with Friday, June 7th serving as teh last day of school for 2018-2019.