Schools Remain Closed after End of Safer at Home Order


Marshfield, WI (OnFocus) Public and private K-12 school remain closed after the Wisconsin Supreme Court overturned most of the Safer at Home order on Wednesday.

Update from the School District of Marshfield:

“Following the decision handed down yesterday by the Wisconsin Supreme Court to overturn most of the Safer at Home Order, this update is sent to provide some clarification regarding what this means for our schools.

With their decision, the Court did not strike down the section of the Safer at Home Order that closed public and private K-12 schools.

Earlier today, the school district received notice from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction that because the Court’s decision did not reopen Wisconsin schools, our school grounds and facilities are to remain closed to in-person activities and events through June 30, 2020.

At this time, the school district will continue to operate as we have for the past couple of months, including remote teaching and learning. School district staff will continue to deliver remote instruction until the final week of school ending on Friday, June 5, 2020.

In addition, the free breakfast/lunch program will continue to be provided by the school district for the duration of the school closure period. As a reminder, free meals are available to all area students for pick up between 11:00 a.m. and 12:00 Noon on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at the following locations: Grant Elementary School (425 West Upham St), Lincoln Elementary School (1621 S Felker Ave), and Marshfield High School (1401 E Becker Rd).

The school district continues to work on plans for delivering summer school programming through a virtual learning format. If you have any questions about summer school or building-specific activities, you are encouraged to reach out directly to building administration.”

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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